Aquaponic Gardening

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Well, after 2 months of work, a lot of research and help from the pros on this forum... I put my first 2 fish (6" long koi) in friday morning into my 270 gal fish tank (with/170 gal sump tank setup). I'm using a Quiet One 4000 pump, and an air pump Coralife Luft Pump- both are working wonderfully.

I sprinkled seeds in last week as Jonathan suggested and have sprouts also.

I built shade retractable awning as the California heat drove water up to 95 degrees when it was 105 for days here a few weeks ago....but now on 94 degree day the water stays at maximum of 85 degrees.

I did fishless cycle for 2-3/4 weeks until I got to where nitrites were being "disposed of" by the bacteria everyday with no problem...then I dropped fish in . (The fish were in aquarium in the house, and I brought temperature and PH of both the aquarium and the outside tank to same place before I did the transfer.

It's been a long journey...but very satisfying one so far. (If I kill any of these Koi- my daughter will hold me responsible for life - So I'm shooting for no mortalities. :-)

Well, here are the pics... hope they help someone.

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