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Comment by Keith Markham on May 5, 2013 at 5:53pm

Alan, all that I can tell u is that it has worked for me and this is my first attempt at growing there better ways to grow things?? I'm not all I can say is give it a try and see what works...for me right now things are getting pretty hot so lettuce is not doing so well...currently looking for different things I can grow thru the summer months that can tolerate the heat...

Comment by Bob Terrell on May 2, 2013 at 11:54pm

Keith, I hope mine turn out that good!  Those are mighty fine looking 'maters you got there!

Comment by charles alan crabtree on May 2, 2013 at 11:44pm

hey bob,i agree some folks are naturally pessamists and they cant just because.i'm going full bore into this thing called AP.i'll give you a good example:some odd years ago my wife wanted to build a small dog kennel to house some breeding females and stud dogs we had at the time,well in our area there was no place for people to board dogs at all.i got the idea of why not incorporate a boarding ,breeding,and grooming facility instead of just doing father,being forever pessimistic as was the norm told me i was crazy to spend 100,000.00 dollars on such a make a long story short we have been open now for several years and this facility continues to prosper and employ several people.what if my entrepreneurial spirit had been squashed? you can follow us on facebook at DOGS R US in spring city tn.oh and by the way the waste from the dogs fertilizes our exercise yards and we cant hardly keep them mowed they grow so fast.  PS my old man does smoke a pipe  LOL  alan

Comment by Bob Terrell on May 2, 2013 at 11:11pm

Alan, the world is full of people who "can't" because their minds are so small they cannot conceive the concepts of going beyond what the TV tells them is the "Norm".  Don't let them drag you down.  I have harvested the following from my system

lettuce, beets, carrots, tomato's, cabbage, rosemary, basil, celery,  bell peppers, mint, kale,  and I repeat  HARVESTED not just growing using AP grow beds with pea gravel , and wick beds.  I am now expanding to dutch buckets  with perlite as a growing medium all with AP water from my fish tanks.  BTW, I grew stuff all winter, let whoever said that take sand and pound it        I mean put that in his pipe and smoke it


Comment by charles alan crabtree on May 2, 2013 at 10:24pm

hey keith great looking photos,but i have a question.i am just starting my journey into aquaponics and i had written a blog post to that end. i got a response back from a fellow saying that AP was a hoax and anyone who was successful was only doing so with lettuce and salad greens but pictures dont lie and ive seen lots of them. what has been your experience with AP and what type do you employ? any response would be appriciated   best regards  alan

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