Aquaponic Gardening

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Picture taken durring system set up. Bio-filter in fore ground, barrel towards the back, is a swirl/solids seperator.

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Comment by David Hart on September 9, 2010 at 11:58pm
It's a simple design, and it does a pretty good job.
I'd like to form a 'cone' in the bottom with concrete, to help direct the solids to the drain better. I didn't want to spend the cash. on a gallon of epoxy paint for it.
I use a small broom and gently push the solids to the drain.

The water 'enters' the barrel low. The over flow exits higher, and gravity feeds to the grow beds.

The pipe comming 'in' has a 90, rolled slightly down. This helps direct the solids to the bottom....which is the fitting on the right side of the picture.
In the pict (left side), the overflow's 90 is on it's 'side'. I have since moved it in an 'up-right' postion and extended it to the center.

In the bottom, I have a 2 inch bulkhead for the drain, which reduces down to 1 inch. It's hard to see, but there is a ball valve on the 1 inch drain. I collect the water and solids in a bucket and dump them on my 'dirt' plants and citrus trees
Comment by Two Jay on September 9, 2010 at 9:08pm
How do you like your swirl filter? What design did you go with?

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