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Comment by Don Cole on January 29, 2016 at 4:25pm


Thanks for the reply your advice is well taken. I am willing to show all of the pieces and parts along with how to assemble it. I went with the provisional patent because I wasnt sure if there would be ANY commercial value. I dont have a problem with the average backyard guy building and using it. As far as the root issue there are a couple of ways to address this problem. Just to point out I had one of these in a 27gal growbed with two tomato plants, basil and a cucumber plant with no issue.

Comment by Jim Fisk on January 29, 2016 at 2:39pm

Hi Don, sounds interesting but to be honest my designs (6 sizes + custom) runs literally for years without any maintenance save for rotating the gravel guard every 6 mos. or so to cut off intrusive roots. 4 years and "running" and VERY forgiving as to flow rates.

Being the type I am of course I am curious and totally understand protection but I freely share my designs and am happy just selling them to folks that can't make their own for whatever reasons (and there are many) and I have them in at least 30 countries now. I warn you that there isn't really enough demand to warrant spending too much patenting and tooling up and I probably sell more siphons than anyone else on planet earth so you can take that to the bank. Let me know when you are ready to show them off. BTW, as to burying them how will you deal with the inevitable roots?

Comment by Don Cole on January 28, 2016 at 12:47pm

Jim, I dont do FB call me oldschool. I have question for you. Would you be interested in testing a new type of siphon? It eliminates siphon break issues completely. It is easly retrofitted to existing bell or loop siphon setups. Installed it is completely hidden from sight and can be planted over in the GB. It's footprint is the same or smaller than a bell siphon and requires no maintenance. I have been running two of these for 8 months and it hasnt failed to make or break a sinlg siphon cycle yet. I have made these in 1/2", 3/4" and 1" and they work perfectly. The 1/2" model has been tested with varying flow rates from 1.5GPM to 5.5GPM in a 27 gallon GB and never failed to make or break a cycle. 

It is patent Patent Pending currently and I am looking to produce for wholesalers or license it. I plan on uploading pictures and video this weekend.

Comment by Jim Fisk on January 28, 2016 at 10:24am

Hi Don, yes we do and we have well over 1000 of our bell siphons in use worldwide. We are on FB under Smoky Mountain Aquaponics and Homesteading.

Comment by Don Cole on January 26, 2016 at 12:40pm


Do you manufacture these bell siphons? 

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