Alice Cain


Bothell, WA

United States

Profile Information:

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Search engine (Google)
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Raising coho
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
Name a part of a fish (spam blocking question)
Please tell us something else about yourself.
I'm hoping to start my aquaponics system in a greenhouse in my yard. I'd like to grow salmon, since I don't eat white fish, so I'm searching for information on this. My second choice would be trout for my husband to eat.

Comment Wall:

  • Jack Dunbar

    Hi Alice. Welcome to you and your husband to the aquaponics community.

  • Jack Dunbar

    Hi Alice. No, I have not raised trout but there is a "Trout Growers" group where you will find a wealth of information. Join the group and start asking questions. The other thing you can do is on your home page upper right type in trout where it says "search aquaponic gardening" and all the info on trout on this site will come up. I hope this helps you. This is a great hobby and  there are so many very knowledgeable people on this site. Take care ...