Pam DeLong


Tucson, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find us?
Search engine (Google)
If you found us through a search engine, what search words were you using?
aquaponics arizona
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
How big is your fish tank?
8'x2' Stock Tank
Name a part of a fish (spam blocking question)
Dorsal fin
Please tell us something else about yourself.
Married. Live in town (Tucson).
I found this site on 10/5, the day before the self-guided tour was to take place (saw Mr. Brookbanks post); only visited one place (Jason's) as it was close. He'd only been doing Aquaponics for about 4 months, but his system was impressive.
I'm in the process of building/setting up my system. Found out about Aquaponics from a WormFarmingSecrets newsletter. I work full-time; participate in my church (Sonrise Baptist Independent Church); ride a motorcycle; open-carry; preserve produce when I can; have chickens & cats.
I'm very excited to get started with this! Looking forward to gleaning a LOT of info from this site! And, hopefully, I can offer some too!

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  • John Carlton

    Hi Pam, 

    Back from Kauai, great trip but brought back a cold and sore throat. Cloudy, windy and cold (65-72). spent a lot of time in the water snorkeling. We would be interested in some of your tilopia, maybe 30 or so. I lost my Koi in the kitchen tank. I added 2 more grow bed and plumbing. I think the PVC cement in the new plumbing killed them. I won't do that again. my phone # is 520-471-5622. call evenings. Thanks and God Bless.

  • Brittany

    Oh, I have no green thumb whatsoever.  I've though about getting just a tiny system in my apartment or something, but I don't have the space to have a bigger system.

  • John Carlton

    Hi Pam, Are you still doing the aquaponics thing? All of the tilapia that we got from you are still alive. Some are reaching harvest size 10" and about 1.2 lb. One or two of the females must have hatched fingerlings I see a few fry and a few fingerlings swimming around. Tried to net some females (protecting a corner of the tank) but they were too quick need a bigger net I guess.I have a 29 gal tank set up in the garage for breeding if I can catch a few. We grew an abundance of peppers but only had 1 eggplant and 1 tomato so far, also had lots of salad greens. Lets keep in touch. God Bless