Anne Phillip


Portland, OR

United States

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aquaponics portland or
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Please tell us something else about yourself.
I am a recent Biology graduate with a background in field and lab research. I am inspired and excited by the possibilities aquaponics holds for the future of urban food production.

After much book learning, I am ready to start my own aquaponics system. I can't wait to experiment and learn all I can about aquaponics.

I am happy to have a community to share the experience with!

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  • Brant Moore

    Hi Anne,

    The system will go in my wife's classroom , a 5-6 class with about 25 students. When we get closer to launch, you and Lynda can connect about involvement. How cool would that be, a biologist to talk about fish/plant biology.

  • Linda Logan


    I had a great time with you.  I will probably go again this month but depends on who is speaking.  I want to get some more tilapia fry from Rick and so this may make my decision.  Would love to have you come over and perhaps meet your partner.

    Also, let's make a date to do distillery tasting.

    Last, I was really tired when I asked you for $25.00 and you gave me $30.00  I'll either give you some back or if we go up again together your share is covered.

  • Jack Dunbar

    Hi Anne. I am doing well. I hope all is well with you. I hope you're getting some good weather. We're starting to warm up a bit. Today turned out nice just as I was getting to work at 3 PM. I started to clean the debris off my raised beds. I have hoops over them so I can put plastic over them so I can get my plants outside sooner. I've been reading quite a bit about pesticides in our produce and to be honest with you, it makes me scared to eat what I always thought was good for me. I would love to grow all my own food but I don't have the time. Take care and I wish you a nice and warm weekend