

Cleveland, GA

United States

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aquaponics forum
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
How old is your system?
Just started
How big is your fish tank?
250 gallons x 2
Please tell us something else about yourself.
Joined a year ago....now moving into the buiding ohase of it all. Very excited, but still a Lot to learn. Wuld Really like to visit some estblished aqauponic setups in the area to do some eyes-on learning! Building a greenhouse next month!

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  • edmond burks

    sure. maybe the weekend of memorial day, but more likely the weekend after would be best for me.

  • Teresa N Florida

    HI Julianne,

    So sorry for the very late response.   My system is not operational - as my weekends are currently consumed with my husbands new business, recently acquired in April.

    While I'd love to have you visit my garden, the AP needs more monitoring than I have time for right now, so all my plants are growing the old fashioned way, amended soil in containers.  Well everything but my potatoes.  I'm sorry I won't have a chance to meet you.  Enjoy your trip and drive carefully!

  • Matthew Jones

    Hey Julianne,

    I became busy and haven't checked this forum for quite a while. My system doesn't have fish in it yet and I am still making adjustments. I've been learning as I go. How is your system coming along?