Michael simonzi


Southampton, MA

United States

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I needed something to do in retirement and liked the idea of developing a farm. I'm a science guy so I know that climate change is a huge challenge so I wanted to control my environment by growing indoors and I wanted to grow year round. Aquaponics had tremendous appeal so I set up a system in my garage consisting of two IBC container grow beds, one DWC one MB over a single IBC fish tank and successfully grew a variety of edibles for a year. moisture made me Stop and I'm now building a 22x32 greenhouse where I intend to grow a variety of greens and citrus. Because I am in cold country I've borrowed from the Walipini and am putting a 20' roof of 16mm triple layer polycarbonate at45 degrees on a 5' deep poured and insulated foundation. Im hoping to find some good pearls of wisdom here and I will post pictures as I progress.

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