John E Windsor


Lakeland, FL

United States

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I am simi-retired, but not tired of working. I have some plant nursery experience, but no aquaponics history, yet. My plan is to turn the old greenhouse into an aquaponics farm. I am excited to be taking a tour of Green Acres Aquaponics in the near future.

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  • Sahib Punjabi

    Welcome John,


    Hope that you learn a lot from this forum and start your own system soon.


    God bless,

  • Chris Carr

    Cool John. I was just curious if it was for a specific reason you ran into why you chose to do that, or if it was a "that just made sense" sorta deal. My only reasoning for considering the sump beside the FT for my design consideration is that the footprint is the same and assuming the surface is level (often it isn't) the gravitational potential of the water is the same, so the advantage is only in pumping back to the FT. If the ground isnt level, it may be much easier to allow gravity to only work in one direction like you have.

    Either way I really dig this setup design. Can't wait to get it finally built. I agree with TC in avoiding the U siphon if you don't need it. Looks like you already have plumbing for a direct drain line already plumbed and capped no?

  • Kinshala

    John, what did you do for your tadpole problem? i've had my system for four years and never had a problem before until now, my system is loaded with them!