Samson J. Loo


Phoenix, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find us?
a friend
If you found us through a referral or a newsletter, which was it?
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
flood and drain media, raft
How old is your system?
1 - 2 yrs
How big is your fish tank?
250 gallons
Name a part of a fish (spam blocking question)
Please tell us something else about yourself.
I am an aquaponics newbie that is now an AP junkie.

Comment Wall:

  • Jim Troyer

    Hey Samson

    Good luck with your new AP system!

    Jim 203.698.2626 cell/text

  • Russell Weight

    Here is my latest idea for a multi bed system.  One bell siphon for multiple beds.  Which means much less piping and more control over all - IMO.

    I am currently working on building this one.

    Click on the pic to see the animation.

  • Hector Acuna

    Hey Samson. Sorry I didn't get back you. I was purging some old mail and I read your message. 

    Samson J. Loo added a comment to your profile on Aquaponic Gardening ------------
    Hey Hector I'm just checking in to see how things are going?

    All is going well. Summer was hard on the garden, but winter was great. I'll post some recent photos on my gallery. 
