Zahlee George


Los Angeles, CA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find us?
Search engine (Google)
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
How old is your system?
2 yrs or more
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
Tilapia, Catfish
Name a part of a fish (spam blocking question)
Please tell us something else about yourself.
I am married, i am a lawyer by profession, an easy going person, open minded and God fearing

Comment Wall:


    My name is Mrs Kate,I was impressed to contact you today because i have something very vital to disclose to you.
    Its important that you get back to me because it is about you,In addition, please kindly contact me direct with my email ( )
    to enable me to send the details to you,for you to know whom i am,am Waiting to hear from you,Remember do not reply me in the use my private email address

    Kate Kwame.