Robert Gardner


Hermiston, OR

United States

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aquaponics gardening
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We have a 40 by 100 garden at our church (Oasis Vineyard)that we grow and donate the produce to our community. Looking into the business side of Aquaponics and also one for our church for the benevolent mission.

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  • Jonny Cash

    Thanks Robert, I am still a long way off, but my goal is to make some informed research first, then see how feasible the whole idea would be up here. Are the products considered truely organic if you buy the fishlings and the plantlings from a source which you cannot garantee as being organic? I am about to start my small little economical green house 6 x 8. I was looking at ecconomical ways of heating, what are your thoughts on shcs?
  • Bob Moore


     The concept seems so "easy" . It is the whole upfront money that seems to be so elusive .

    I sprouted my seedlings this year using an ebb and flow system and I was amazed and how fast and how big the plants got in a very short time .


  • Chi-Yu Fu

    Thanks for your comments, I am pleased to share my experience with you.