Tetsuzan Benny Ron


Cedar Park, TX

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find us?
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
How old is your system?
2 yrs or more
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
Name a part of a fish (spam blocking question)
Please tell us something else about yourself.
Founder of the AquacultureHub and ATOLL program.

Comment Wall:

  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Hi...do we call you by Tetsuzan?

    Great to see you here! A friend noticed your Twitter activity so that is how I started following you yesterday. Looks like you are doing some awesome work getting the good word out, and I like what you have done with your Ning site.

    Thanks again for joining us, and I look forward to getting to know you.

  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Hi Benny,

    Yes, it does throw quite a wrench in things, doesn't it? I'm waiting to see what their new pricing looks like when they announce it in May. On the Creator site they are claiming to give us freeloaders until October to decide what we want to do. If they pricing isn't too crazy I'll probably try to stay independent, but thank you for your offer. I may still take you up on it at some point. And if not, there may still be some way for us to collaborate.

    I'd love to know more about what services you are paying for besides URL and removing advertising. How have you found developing on their platform? Are you making an income from your site?


  • William Sherman

    Benny, welcome to our group. I went to your website and sounds like you and your group are really in to it. Keep up the good work.
  • Max In Missouri

    Aw braddah, I was just ovah in Oahu two weeks ago to visit my dad and brother.. I wish I had met you before so we could hook up... ah no biggie, its a good excuse for me to take another vacay! Yeah, the Tat was my gift to my daughter, she loved meeting all her cousins.. Okay Shaka and hang loose! Chee Hooo, Samoan AP!

  • Tetsuzan Benny Ron

    @aquaculturehub: @aquaculturehub: #Webinar " #Aquaponics: #Paradigm Shift for #Airlift Part 2 Aug.12 at 4PM EST" on… http://t.co/OdOIvyKKKJ
  • Vlad Jovanovic

    Hi there :) I'm not sure what peculiarities the Hawaiian highlands may present, but yes, growing carp in AP is a fine idea. 

  • Steven Ray hill

    Thanks Dr. Benny that is very exciting! Let me know how that turns out. I saw the workshop pdf's about the air pump designs that is defiantly a paradigm shift. Are you guys going to incorporate that into this system? I am pumped about it ( pun intended ). :D
  • miranda macrae

     Hi there Dr Benny, I'm studying aquaponics in the hopes of starting a small business next year, and am interested in using the air lift pump to transport the water from my pond to the grow bed (1-2m) and was wondering if you could send me the details of how it works.
    Thanks for listening :-)

  • miranda macrae

    Hi Dr Benny
    Thankyou so much for replying.
    I can't seem to access the links you sent, when setting up my profile to join, it wont accept any profile photos and wont let me proceed without one.
    Would love to keep in touch despite my computer illiteracy!!! :-)