Carey Ma



China, mainland

Profile Information:

How did you find us?
Search engine (Google)
If you found us through a search engine, what search words were you using?
fish feed
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
flood and drain media, raft, NFT, vertical
How old is your system?
2 yrs or more
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
Koi, Tilapia, Catfish, Other
How big is your fish tank?
one 50 gal, one 500 gal and one 2500 in a ciuculating system
Please tell us something else about yourself.
I am an American, currently living in Beijing. My name is Carey Ma. I am an Ecolonomists with over twenty years experience in off-grid/ automated living. The word ecolonomics was coined by a personal hero of mine; Denis Weaver. Ecolonomics is the promotion of sustainable alternatives that are economically profitable. Simply put, ecolonomics means maintaining natural resources in ways that are economically sound. I consult in all phases of Green living and explore the principles of environmental, economic, and social sustainability, to provide practical examples of how to apply them. I consult for: Architects, designers, city and community planners, land owners, factory owners, and greenhouse/ orchard/ farm owners.

I have a plan to establish a facility which will reduce the impact of agriculture on ecosystem functions and services by providing nature inspired, zero emissions, sustainable Agri-technology using integrated bio systems (IBS) in an urban/ peri-urban environment for the production of food & lifestyle enhancement amenities. My ultimate dream is to build a Hi-Rise Farm, each Farm feeding 10-30,000 of their neighbors while producing energy and clean water.

My nursery/ garden /farm is less than two acres yet both economically and ecologically sustainable and manages to feed a family of four with surplus to sell. I have been experimenting with Aquaponics, on and off since the late seventies and finally have a balanced schedule of nutrient flow.

Aquaponics is the first step in an integrated bio system. An integrated biosystem contains at least two biological activities or subsystems where nutrients in the form of by-products (waste from one sub-system) serve as resources or the input for another.

I make my own feed using algae, vitamin rich veggie leaves, earthworm & dry grub protein.

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  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Hi Carey.  With regard to your search for donated materials I think the best thing you could do is to 1) post a forum topic listing what you are looking for and where to send it 2) link to this forum topic in a comment on the Buy/Sell Marketplace board.  If we have anything laying around that is on your list I'm happy to send it your way.  Keep up the great work!
  • Gary Lanning

    Hi Carey,

    I'm afraid I don't have much in the way of curriculum materials for aquaponics. Even though I have included it as part of the  Advanced Biology class for the last 3 years, I've been sort of winging it as we go along. The first year we spent a lot of time building the system. The past two years have been dedicated to improving it  and raising as many vegetables as possible. The real goal of the project is to provide students with a real research project that requires planning, teamwork and careful record keeping. It also provides a vehicle for teaching public speaking as I have students give an oral Research in Progress (RIP) report to the the class once every 4-6 weeks. In this RIP they must tell the class what they have accomplished and what their plans are for the next 4-6 weeks. This must be accompanied by pictures, graphs, data tables, etc. Each team of 2 students is responsible for 1 aspect of the project. For example one group is in charge of tomatoes and must learn all they can about tomato culture and then grow them. (We use only heirloom tomatoes). Another group will be in charge of leafy vegetables. Another is in charge of water quality. Etc. Our system worked quite well in spite of some design weaknesses. We had about 600 gal of water in the system with 50 bluegills  and 5 largemouth bass in a 4ftX8ft. rubber-lined, wooden tank. We pumped water 8 times per day over three 4ftx4ft plastic grow trays.  These trays were filled with about 3 inches of Hydroton. We also had a gravel filled stream made of plastic rain gutter mounted along the inside of the fish tank. Water circulated in this stream continuously. It was a good place for growing water-cress. I'm at the end of my allowed 2000 characters so maybe we can continue this another way.  

  • Growzay

    Yes- Honor & Pride! As this industry is in its infancy - It is quite amazing to see how fast the momentum is gaining... The collective thought is very natural & positive and all about the Pura Vida (pure life)! 

    Keep up the awesome work- Imagine where you will be in 5-years!!!

  • the mad german

    Nice photos and setup.

    I especially like the wall mat, you definately have a nice area to work with.

  • Werner Kraeutler

    Hi Carey Ma, bicycle, I think it's to hot here. But you did a great job if I see the pics. If you are interested what we do in Thailand, please visit

    Have a nice day


  • Harold Sukhbir

    Hi Carey,

    I think you know already where this will lead. You must be careful what you mention here on the forums, with addicted people like me I'm sure to "obey" your instructions................... Self Sustaining for sure, and just so you know it'll be your fault

  • Chris McMahon

    Yeah I am planning on it if/when the U.S. economy does collapse. The politicians are spending and taxing like there is no tomorrow. If we see the rise in food prices like in other countries my pool is an option. My wife is not ready for the pool to be converted yet. I am going to order the urban permaculture DVD from ecofilms when it's ready.
  • Werner Kraeutler

    Please send me your email address so I can send you the docs. Werner
  • Nate Miller

    I'd be happy to help you.  What do you have in mind?



  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Back at you, buddy.  You are an amazing guy and I'm happy to support you!
  • K Schreiber

    From my research, animals, particularly small animals are considered to be a good idea in greenhouses, see "bioshelters."  The plants benefit from the CO2 and heat they provide - as long as they don't eat the plants!  There is no indication that the animals are harmed by residing in a greenhouse.
  • K Schreiber

    I've never heard of anyone being able to build such an airtight greenhouse!  I'd say congratulations, except the outcome was apparently not that good.
  • Ellen Roelofs

    Any time! I definitely keep an eye out for anything you post.
  • Vlad Jovanovic

    Thanks a bunch Carey...Appreciate it.

    Yeah, I'm probably already overdoing it with the "just in case" factor on the electrical side, but better now than later...looking forward to those new blogs you mentioned... 

  • K Schreiber

    Hi Carey,


    Janaia Donaldson of Peak Moment TV is scaling back on her library and is interested in helping you out with your info shortage, but she needs your email address.  You can find her at or I can pass it along if you prefer.

  • Gina Cavaliero

    Hey Carey.  Thanks for your two thumbs up over on our Green Acre page.  Means much coming from you!  :)


  • Terri Mikkola

    Carey, thank you for accepting my "friend" request. I've enjoyed reading your thoughtful posts.
  • Teresa N Florida

    Carey, I'd love to give aeroponics a try for potatoes and maybe carrots if possible, (hope to tie it into an AP system). The article I initially read was at this link:
    Potato Pro

    I am dreaming big I suppose, but I have lots of room (4 acres in the country, lol). Will have some chickens and perhaps a few goats. Waiting for my sister to move up here from Largo.

    Do you have any pics of your aero system?? Did you determine Aero was more costly than AP?
  • Teresa N Florida

    The link didn't take on that Potato Pro site, here it is
  • Lonny Harper

    good reading.  I'm cycling my new system so far.  Each step I take, I learn that I have so much more to learn.  Thanks for the warm welcome.
  • David Waite

    Carey I am currently playing with a fodder system this fall. I am very interested in aeroponics. I have used this in hydro for cloning. What do you have in mind. Will send friend request.
  • Teresa N Florida

    Hi Carey,  I sent you a message rather than trying to put the whole comment here.

    Talk to you soon.

  • Teresa N Florida

    Carey,  Glad to hear you will be stateside for a bit.

    Will you be able to take some heirloom seeds back to Beijing with you??

    I do hope so.

  • Chamsiddine Afraitane


    Go to the website" alcohol can be a"

    Purchase the book, it will give you the best advise about how to do it. Obviously you will need a good plummer to do it 

  • Jianbo Wen

    Holleo, I am Jianbo Wen in Beijing. Wish to visit you and your farm, Please contact me at 18910792267.
  • Allen Jiang

    Hi i live in Australia. My parents are from China.


  • David Schwinghamer

    Terrible, one person said add hydroponic nutrients and that almost killed it, another person recommended me use ammonia which I finally found. Its slowly coming back but I cant see it multplying twice in one day.

  • david day

    You are giving me some great ideas on much bigger, fully integrated systems. I especially dig the 'big greenhouse'. Ever since I started with the AP, it has been my intention to integrate it as completely as possible into a much more durable living arrangement than what we now have. Have you considered a TEG type power source for aeration, etc?

  • SW

    Genetically Modified - yes I'm aware of what that is and Patrick is working with someone that already produces organic and, I do believe, non GMO feeds for other livestock.  They are in the process of determining what the demand will be for organic, non-gmo fish food. 

    I will mention to him that if it is non-gmo then he needs to include that in his description. 

    And yes, the company is one of those terrible capitalist companies that want to make the dreaded "M" word.

  • Oscar Olivera

    Hello Carey, thanks for the reply.

    Thanks for sharing your project. I wlll read all your post in you blog.

  • Rachel

    I do post on BYC but I have a different picture there, I don't know if you've ever been on the Valley Permaculture Alliance website-- I post there the most frequently. :)

  • Pat Chesney


    I am still in development. I spent 10 months experimenting on a small scale (100 fish). I have finalized my plans for sizing in the 40ft hoop greenhouse we are currently building. I am developing some alternative energy pumps and aeration devices. I will post them when they are "out of the oven". I need to do some more tests yet.

    You might be interested in seeing the website of the group I am part of We teach homesteading and sustainability. There are at least 4 aquaponics systems being built currently with several more families considering.

  • Timothy Duehring

    Hi Carey,

    I will be returning to China in April. I would like to meet with you then, if that would be possible. I am thinking I will be in Beijing on the 12th. I don't have a set agenda yet.The place where we would be setting up the system would be on a mountain in Shandong Province about 50 KM west of Rizhao. I look forward to meeting you.

  • Vlad Jovanovic

    HI Carey, unfortunately evilAG has been working over time (esp. the last 3 years) here, and will probably be shutting down our seed institutes the way they already have in in many of the surrounding countries. The situation is probably similar (more or less) just about everywhere. But some people have begun a grassroots heirloom/open pollination seed-exchange mostly through net/facebook. I have personal access to very limited quantities of a variety of (mostly vegetables) seeds from friends and neighbors here, but would be more than happy to try and obtain for you what I can. (In all likelihood small quantities of each cultivar, but I'm sure that you are already prepared for spending a season or too building up your seed stocks. Let me know exactly what you need most, and I'd be happy to try and help.

  • Vlad Jovanovic

    No problem. Yeah Alfalfa and grains/grasses are probably what you need most I imagine. I'll look into it. There should be some good local open pollinated grasses if that is what you need. Should you need Basil seeds (which I highly doubt) I've got you covered for like the next 5 lifetimes :) I've actually started putting the seeds in our homemade soaps as a peeling/scrub effect...hehe... I have some local hot pepper varieties too if you're into that kind of stuff...and some Yugoslavian heirloom red-green salads and lots of different medicinal herbs seed. (NOT pot but actual various traditional/folk medicine plants). Onions, potatoes, various old time garlics as well, but that kind of stuff is probably harder to ship I guess. I commend all of your work and would be glad to help out in any way I can (provided that you pay for the shipping of course :) 

  • Vlad Jovanovic

    Hi Carey, 

    You never said what seeds you needed most exactly? 

    Check out this grow rig, like a totally super hi-tech-space looking version of the Colossuem system...Might not grow plants any more efficiently than the Colosseum, but looks so damn cool. (Everything but the price that is)...(I'm a sucker for the kind of stuff that looks like it belongs in a C. Arthur Clark space station...just not that big of a sucker to fall for the price tag :)

    Hope all is well...

  • Sahib Punjabi

    Namaste Carey my friend,

    At present, I have numerous system designs and concepts that I am playing around with. Not being an engineer or a graphic designer, I am limited to document my thoughts. Further, at present, I am working on a few pressing matters and developments locally. It looks like that soon I will be able to, God willing, have use of some land where I will actually try to build a "small" demo of what my thoughts are and get it operational. If a picture paints a thousand words, what about a working and operational real life view?

    Carey, your design that you posted (and past), plus our previous discussions are all around the same basis and integration and use of as many natural resourses as possible...using Aquaponics as the principal ABC's in the growing and establishing of sustainable food jungles :-)


    God bless,

  • Sahib Punjabi

  • Vlad Jovanovic

    Hi there Carey, It seems as though I am able to get my hands on some open pollinated Lucerka (a type of clover/grass). Let me know if you are interested...Inner Mongolia huh? I hear the fishing is great in those parts :) Hope all is well.

    Much Respect.

  • Vlad Jovanovic

    Carey, I'm not real knowledgeable about grasses/grains and what they are called in serbian, but this "Lucerka" appears to me to be Alfalfa in english? So, if the pic below is of Alfalfa,  you may be in luck...Sorry the img is so small...

  • Kou


    Your knowledge and experience is greatly appreciate if you can help. I'm in limbo land right now, still trying to figure out what exactly that I need to accomplish my dream.


  • Acuaponia Mexico

    HI Carey

    I have interest in your proposition about CHINA, I need information of your offer.  my email is,


  • Ryan Works

    Very interesting proposal. I have never considered it, and I'm not one to speak a foreign language.... I am moving with my wife and 5 yr old child as well. I have no experience in aquaponics yet, however I feel that I would fit in quite well. I would however consider the option in the future...currently need to stay within the US for the next 2 years, but it does sound interesting and I am always looking for new places to experiance. I will keep this in mind, please feel free to forward information to

    Thanks for the Offer! Best of Luck to finding assistance. 

  • Rick Welland

    ola Carey Ma..posted a couple of drawings of our project on my wall since you were unable to open the blog.. Thanks for the 'feed' thread- you answered several questions I had re tilapia eating greens..etc. Our ponds are growing lots of green stuff these days..Wondering how much of it the fish eat..Seems to mostly grow in the shallows- maybe warmer water? Tested with PH strips the other day-about 6.5-if the ponds have heavy ammonia would they test out at 6.5?

    Question ? Between the work you do on your farm(s) etc, the mail you do re this site etc,when do you sleep? Went thru your photos- like wow it appears you have many 'irons in the fire'- 

    am amazed that your digesters have enough internal pressure to force out the sludge..Have you tried the sludge mixed with other plant waste in a cold (worm) compost?

    Take your point re the billions eating veggies grown from sewage sludge..Lotta prejudice to overcome unfortunately. When we get hungry enough we'll get beyond that sorta thinking..


  • Brent Wheeler

    Slow but moving. Just started the cycle on my tank, added conditoners to speed up the proccess and picking up fish on the 8th.   Hoping to visit with a few locals who also have systems.   Been a real chalange gathering data but still at it. 

    Thanks for asking. Hope all is well with you.  

  • Harold Sukhbir

    Hey Carey,

    Thanks for checking up on me. I miss you guys and the site very much. I glance through every once in a while. See you are staying active, I'm happy for that. Very busy here and don't get the time really. Still trying to get some land to practice/teach AP. Im making some progress and could be sooner than later. Hope youre doing well with the AP over there. Bye for now.

  • Brent Wheeler

    Slow but moving. Will have plants in by weeks end.
  • Jon Parr

    Likewise, Carey. Good to hear from you. I think we are in twin circumstances on the opposite sides o the world. Too much work, not enough money, and too optimistic to let it all slow us down. I'll fill you in on my events later, busy right now. Cheers
  • Austin Hsu

    Thanks, your pioneering efforts in China are an inspiration

    Would be great to exchange information and experience while I develop a multi-story AP complex here in Boston.

  • Vlad Jovanovic

    Hi Carey. Yeah, I can relate to that. Most of the busy-ness here amounts to me robbing Petar, to pay Paul, but I can think of worse things to be doing with my time. (Sorry this reply is about a month late, I don't much check my page). Hope all is well. Cheers.