Molly Stanek


Milwaukee, WI

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find us?
Through Sylvia's website/blog
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
Please tell us something else about yourself.
I have two angora rabbits that absolutely adore aquaponically grown lettuce and herbs.

Comment Wall:

  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Hi Molly,

    Thanks for joining the Aquaponic Gardening community! I'm thrilled to have you and Jesse here, hope you find it a fun place to explore aquaponics. There is a real blend of experienced and new aquapons in this community, so please don’t hesitate to join in. Always thrilled to have experienced growers join us – please post some photos of your system!

    If you are interested in a forum or blog topic, but don’t want to join in right away, just check the “follow” box to be notified whenever there is activity on that subject.

    Here is a quick video that will guide you through some of the unique attributes of our Ning community Please participate!

    Thanks again for joining us, and I look forward to getting to know you.

  • Mike Walters

    It was a great workshop. We will all have to get together sometime and I can tell you more about it.
  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Hey Molly.  I'm so glad you started up the Sweet Water group! I hope it becomes a real center for this community to stay posted on all the wonderful happenings and advancements at Sweet Water.
  • Janet Fox Driscoll

    Glad to find this site! Will invite other like-minded people to join...
  • Jay Wolf

    Thank you for the note! I am actually in Sheboygan visiting my father. Are you available to meet possibly for lunch? My treat! Let me know when you have time. Thanks!!!!

  • Growitright Aquaponics

    Hi all, We love to network with others. Music and the arts are high on our list of interests as well as the great outdoors, traveling and living life to the fullest. 

  • Jay Wolf

    Tomorrow would be great!  Just let me know where and when works for you two and I will be there.  Look forward to meeting you.  Thanks again!



  • Nick Rizzo

    Molly I got a friend who wants to tour sweet water she lives in Janeville about 45 min from there. She is working on a city project and I told her about you guys




  • Nick Rizzo

    Thanks I'll give her the info wish I lived closer i would drive out too........Maybe this spring might have to do a road trip
  • Jay Wolf

    Driving was a little tough but made it in 6 1/2 hours.  The kid was very happy to see dad!  I will definitely let you know when I am back in town.  See you guys soon!



  • Andrew DiMezza

    Hello Miss Molly,

                              Yes I have been there to visit, Andy gave me an excellent tour.  I actually gave him my contact information to give to a higher person.  I gave it to him because I was interested in volunteering on my day off at sweetwater just to get a better idea about what's goin on over there.   

  • Mike Bognar

    Gahhhh, there's sooo much to surf on here. I'm on overload.
  • Gina Cavaliero

    Hi Molly!  Sure thing.  Glad to watch over while Sylvia gets some time off.  I too am very much looking forward to meeting you and Jesse  in person in September and am happy to meet you this way too!  :) 
  • Vita Mavronicolas

    Molly - it was a fantastic weekend! I am glad to have met oyu and thrilled to be part of such an exciting movement of growing our own food.

    Good luck with everything in your "garden"!


  • Wayne Hall

    Indeed I was truly a pleasure, I had such a great time this weekend and cant wait for next year! 
  • Paul Westberg

    thanks for loking and the comment on the worm cones. Yes, I have currently 4 in growbeds, (1 per growbed). I'm looking for this to be an additional source of nutrients for the plants without causing problems with fish safety. Even though I only have goldfish now I plan for crustaceans and edible fish later. BTW, it was fun throwing them and figuring out the best way to make them. Still a work in progress. Have a great weekend. PS Passion fruit can be tricky, I have one that does well and one that died within feet of each other. Peace