Tawnya Sawyer


Denver, CO

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find us?
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
We started with a 40 gallon rubbermaid tote system in our basement, then added multiple 10 gallon and a 20 gallon aquarium sized systems growing lettuce and various herbs.

Just finished building a 380 gallon 4'x 8' two tier Growing Power style system for the Growhaus project.

We added two 275 gallon IBC fish tanks with yellow perch, and tilapia. They support four growbeds with lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, herbs, strawberries and other misc.

Looking to add some vertical elements in the near future, as well as moving outside this spring.
Please tell us something else about yourself.
We started an aquaponics business and work with home owners, non-profits and communities to install small to medium sized aquaponics systems. We love the excitement and interest that people have when they first hear about the concept.

We also have 7 month old twins and a 3 year old who loves to "help" with planting and harvesting. Some days are just too busy.

Comment Wall:

  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Hi Tawnya! Thanks for joining! Please upload photos, video, etc as you have them and start inviting anyone you know who is into AP so we can get this conversation rolling!

  • JD Sawyer

    Red Ribbon
  • Nate Storey

    Hi Tawnya,
    Yes I'm selling the media now- although if you made your own towers, I'm not guaranteeing that it will work in the towers, or even fit the towers for that matter. If you'd like some email me at nate81@uwyo.edu and I'll send you a price list- also, you'll want a hook too probably.
  • Linda McCargar

    Tawnya, I would love to come by the Growhaus, do we need to call before we come, or are you open to the public with business hours?

  • Chi Ma

    Good job on the podcast!
  • Aaron

    Hi Sawyer. Is there any way to include a link to the podcas Chi mentioned? Love to hear it. Ps good work on the big growpower style system. I'm curious if the ft is also recessed into the ground to make room for the two gb's or is it all above ground? And any secondary light source or all natural? I'm curious bc I'm thinking about s simmilar setup. Thanks!