

Philadelphia, PA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find us?
Search engine (Google)
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
flood and drain media
How old is your system?
Just started
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
Tilapia, Catfish
How big is your fish tank?
ok now i'm looking at 1 big rubbermaid 300 gal stocktank
Please tell us something else about yourself.
I'm a high school science teacher ready to create an aquaponic system for the brand new science wing greenhouse!

Comment Wall:

  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Welcome Aaron,


    Thanks for joining the Aquaponic Gardening community!  I hope you find it a fun place to explore aquaponics.  There is a real blend of experienced and new aquapons in this community, so please don’t hesitate to get
    in there and start asking questions.  Everyone
    is quite happy to help out new members – no question is too basic. 


    A great place to start is to read the “How to Use This Site” link on the upper right corner, “Start Here” section of the Main page.  You might also find the “Aquaponic Gardening Rules of Thumb” guidelines helpful.


    Please add a photo of yourself and participate! 


    Thanks again for joining us, and I look forward to getting to know you.



  • Sahib Punjabi

    Welcome :-)

    Happy New Year

  • Adam Jensen

    Hey Aaron!  Thanks for dropping me a line!


    I am really excited to get going on this.  I've changed my plans a little... going to put the trout tank in the unfinished basement and run the plumbing to the greenhouse and to an outside bed.  I found a decent Koi pump on EBay which should do the trick.  Having a basement tank will help keep the water cool in the summer, and warm in the winter... sort of like a geothermal set up.  Good luck with the tilapia!  I'd like to hear how that goes for you.





  • Jerren james

    thanks.. yeah im gonna try the gravel and see how it works.
  • Jimmi Jones

    Thanks Aaron, sorrry I could not get back to you sooner, but for some reason my internet has been giving some problems since the new year. Have you been to Belize before?

    I am currently talking to agirls home about setting up a commercial AP system to be used to fund the childrens home, we are only at the beginning stages of the discussion but if it happens they could be on their way to being self sustainable.


  • Kristine Allouchery

    Hi Aaron!  My boyfriend and I are trying to organize a field trip to the EcoComplex of Rutgers University.  They have limited resources for providing tours but do seem willing to host a small group.  We number about 4 - any chance you would be interested in joining us?  We don't have a date set as of yet but I know the availability is Mon- Fri, preferably in the a.m.  I see that you are a h.s. teacher so I'm not sure if this is possible with your schedule but, perhaps ..... let me know!
  • Killian Griffin

    Hey Aaron, yeah I did. I could not find a prefabricated tank that would be large enough, so duplicated my grow bed design (7Lx3Wx12inH wood frame with pond liner). I now have a ~300 gallon tank that also supports the grow bed. I just added the liner to the tank and moved the bed into place today, so don't have everything figured out yet or pictures taken (tomorrow) but I do have these to share-

    I have a quick post on the tank here (http://kmgx3xi.wordpress.com/) and will be adding another tomorrow with pictures and a video.

    This is the design- grow bed on top (~7x3) and combination of 2 grow beds on the bottom to form a tank (69" x 42"). The size allows for access to the tank and combination allows for future adaptation if I find a pre-made tank, the current tank can be taken apart and become two more grow beds, only needing a bottom support.


    I hope this helps with your design, and I just have to say I wish I was in your science class :)



  • Killian Griffin

    Thanks. I used the same form for both the bed and tank, just duplicating/stacking for the tank. I have the fish tank filled about half way so far to test it and everything is holding well, but I will take your comment into consideration if there are any problems- thanks.
  • Kristine Allouchery

    We are visiting the EcoComplex next Thursday at 9am - I will ask the tour guide about future visits on your behalf, as well.  Hopefully we'll be able to take some photographs.





  • Jimmi Jones

    I did some training with Morning Star Fishermen in Florida and a lot on my own, I am hoping to go to the Virgin Islands in March to do some additional training. If you ever plan to be in Belize again please let me know, hopefully we can connect.
  • aaron steil

    lol.  i hows the science project coming
  • Mike peck

    Hey Aaron. I am a teacher in a small public school north of the lehigh valley. It great to see other advocates for ap getting the word out. Still working on getting a project in my classroom.
  • Mike peck

    Same here very little background, but certainly willing to learn. I have plans for a large home system which would be built in 2 phases to help learn as I go. I would also love to have an in class system to help teach as apart of my introductory unit. Until I buy my first house this is all on hold unfortunately.
  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Hi Aaron.  Murray's new DIY DVD is a 2 hour DVD with 2 distinct sections - a 1 hour DIY section, and a First 12 Months section.  It was originally going to be two separate DVDs, but was ultimately combined into one, along with a downloadable PDF of plans for the IBC system he builds on the video.  Confusing, I know, but it is excellent.
  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Thanks for the order, Aaron.  You're going to like the video!
  • Sylvia Bernstein

    I finally had a chance to watch this...excellent!  Posted on the home page.  Thanks