Lori Platt


Redwood Valley, CA

United States

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new setup March 2010
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
300 gal rubbermaid stock tank for the fish, 3 growbeds... 2 are 3'x2'x8in deep. 1 is 4'x8'x 12in deep. Filled with hydroton and lava rock (large bed is 2/3 lava rock, 1/3 hydroton) flood and drain, using a bell siphon, continuous flow pump from fish tank. Have about 70-100 goldfish, a couple of koi, mosquito fish, just got about 100 tilapia - very small (fry size) and have them in a cage till they are a little bigger.

Comment Wall:

  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Hi Lori,

    Thanks for joining the Aquaponic Gardening community! I hope you find it a fun place to explore aquaponics. There is a real blend of experienced and new aquapons in this community, so please don’t hesitate to get in there and start asking questions. Everyone is quite happy to help out new members – no question is too basic.

    A great place to start is by checking out the forums, blogs and groups. If you are interested in a forum or blog topic, but don’t want to join in right away, just check the “follow” box to be notified whenever there is activity on that subject.

    We have just one rule: keep it cordial (no flaming!).

    Thanks again for joining us, and I look forward to getting to know you.

  • Kenneth Wayne Graham

    Hi Lori,

    Glad to here from you and I love your setup with all the hydroton! Well, I have been doing Aeroponics for about 2 years. I started with an Aerogarden and they have supported the system well when things break. I also do a lot of high nutrient soil gardening, all in containers on my deck in my townhome community. However, I am getting ready to build my own aeroponic bubbler system to continue to grow heirloom tomatoes and lettuces. Also, I will be adding a true aeroponic system to my setup by next Spring. It's been a slow but onward progression. Love what you are doing with AQUAPONICS. One of these days, perhaps we can get together and share notes. I will be adding pics of my setup as time progresses.

    Glad to be here! :)

  • Rich Milliron

    Very nice setup Lori, what kind of fish do you have going?
  • Rich Milliron

    Not sure if I ever shot this reply off? Anyway... a year ago my wife bought 100 catfish finger-lings from Stillwater AquaFarms, 7633 Locust Road, Pleasant Grove, CA 95668, (530) 343-0405.  They ship'm.  We tossed them in our old in ground pool (turned it into a big pond), we hadn't used in a few years. Haven't seen them since!  They are bottom scavengers. I'll have to toss in a line and see if there's really anything down there.

    I too would love to have tilapia, but not unless I could solar heat the water in the winter, and it just doesn't seem doable.   
  • Rich Milliron

    Nice new shots Lori, your fish look like happy campers. I'm still in the "trying to cycle" mode. Very hard on the few goldfish I have left. Going to try a fishless cycle with my larger (100 gal fish tank) system. Off on a furlough today, and in search of 100% pure ammonia. I've already got the Maxicrop (Sylivia talked about) for the veggies. Turns out we have a hydoponic store in town, I didn't even know about. Keep those pictures come'n!
  • Andy Smith

    Welcome Lori-- Wow we are really spread out in California, I drove to San Diego to get Tilapia Fry-- to Coachella Valley ( where Jeff Lives) for Tilapia Fingerlings, and Chino to get the proper supplies for my raft system. I think you are smart using Goldfish they are easily obtainable and will live in almost any temperature water. I am trying to build some sort of solar water heater to keep my Tilapia tank temp. up to 75 degrees. What Temp. does your tank stay. Don't you get a lot of algae with the sun hitting your tank? Andy
  • Nate Storey

    Hey Lori, thanks for the compliment on the towers- they're working great for strawberries! Anyway, I hadn't seen your system pictures I don't think. Very nice setup. Very clean, very nice design. I love clean looking sys. setups. Are you using greenroof tiles for your small growbeds? That's what they look like to me and I can't stop thinking about them now. I think they might be perfect for this kind of application, and cheap. Anyway, it looks like you're doing a lot right to me, good looking system, nice leeks. (I freaking love leeks. No, love is an understatement, I freaking adore leeks, mmm.)
  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Lori, thanks for your order! Do you want us to ship the fish food to somewhere other than a P.O. Box? Just wanted to check.

  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Hi Lori, it is Fed Ex so we will send it to the address you listed. Thanks!