Kenneth Wayne Graham


Napa, CA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find us?
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
I grow heirloom tomatoes, herbs and all kinds of veges.
Please tell us something else about yourself.
I am a film editor and find that aeroponic gardening is an awesome hobby to have.

Comment Wall:

  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Hi Kenneth,

    Good to meet you. Are you using aeroponics for your aquaponic system? I'd love to hear more...maybe you can start a forum topic on this.

    Thanks for joining the Aquaponic Gardening community! I hope you find it a fun place to explore aquaponics. There is a real blend of experienced and new aquapons in this community, so please don’t hesitate to join in. Always thrilled to have experienced growers join us – please post some photos of your system!

    If you are interested in a forum or blog topic, but don’t want to join in right away, just check the “follow” box to be notified whenever there is activity on that subject.

    We have just one rule - keep it cordial (no flaming!).

    Thanks again for joining us, and I look forward to getting to know you.

  • Lori Platt

    Hi Kenneth, I am sort of in your area - just north of ukiah in Redwood Valley. I am new to aquaponics-just a couple of months now. All seems to be going well - though I am looking for a source of fish... what kind are you using? I'd really like to get bass, catfish or trout... or even tilapia! So far I just have goldfish and some koi. I'd love to know about your system....
  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Kenneth, you are a very busy guy. We currently don't have any real-time gatherings, but it's an interesting idea. What do you have in mind?
  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Hey Ken. Thanks for the Mother's day wishes. I actually grew up in Modesto and went to school at UC Davis, so I'm pretty familiar with your neck of the woods as well. My parents are enjoying a dream retirement in Lake Wildwood in Grass Valley.

    I actually love the idea of an Aquaponics Expo! What do you think about polling this group to see what the interest level would be? I have a couple interns working for me this summer that could help organize it - would you come out to Boulder if we had it here?

    Yes, the gulf in education is an interesting, long-term challenge. I wrote a blog post recently about running into that very mind-set with a Bio-Dynamic guy (see the Aquaponic Gardening blog tab at the top of the screen).

    I"m fascinated by your successful use of aeroponic techniques for aquaponic gardening. Don't your misters clog up? Or are you filtering solids...

    If you have a chance to try Hill Billy Potato Leaf tomatoes, they are my favs - ugly shaped yellow/orange fruit that is incredibly yummy.
  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Hi Ken,

    I have a daughter graduating from high school in a couple weeks - she's heading over the U of Washington in Seattle. We seriously considered moving there when she was 5 - it was a close-ish second to Boulder - so we figured is was pre-determined that a Bernstein would end up in Seattle one day.

    Too cool that you know George Lucas. My understanding is that he wrote American Grafitte based on crusing down McHenry Ave. in Boulder - something I did as a teenager as well. That's what I have in common with George Lucas ;-)

    Sounds like you have been bitten by the aquaponics bug badly! I hope you find work in this field. It will explode soon, and I hope at that point that many people can find ways to follow their passion and earn a living at it. Isn't that the dream?

    I think I will put up a member survey about the gathering and see what happens... Thanks again for the idea. You are right; it could be big...
  • Sylvia Bernstein

    I have run across Dr. Stoner (perfect name, isn't it?). He was actually the genesis for the idea behind the AeroGarden. Our founder, Michael Bissonnette, was running a radio spot looking for entrepreneurs with ideas that needed funding and marketing. Richard approached him with an idea for a new plant growth booster for aeroponic growing. Michael wasn't interested in the booster, but seeing Richard's aeroponic greenhouse set off his imagination about this clean plant growing technology. He continued the relationship with Richard for a year or so (I remember using his growth booster when I first started with them in 2003) but eventually bought out his interest in the company. I've heard rumors that Richard wasn't happy about the arrangement.

    Glad you liked the pics!
  • Rich Milliron

    Hi Ken, I'm over the hill(s) in Chico, and I'd like to ask the same question Lori did - What kind of fish do you have? I'll have to look-up and see what aeroponics is - that's a new one for me! But then two months ago, I'd never heard of the term aquaponics!
  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Hey, Ken, sounds awesome! Who is the company?

    Looks like we might be able to do a gathering in Boulder in connection with Murray Hallam coming here to do a workshop on Aug 14. I'm waiting for a final word back from him to make a real announcement and start getting some input from the group.

    Yes, the pumps suck in the AeroGarden - good luck with that upgrade. The head of customer service (and Marketing and Sales) is a member of this community...

    I think the product you are talking about is the Prepara Power Plant. Unless they have really improved in the past 6 months it is a terrible product. We did a bunch of testing of it in our lab and it barely works. Wouldn't recommend.

    Keep me posted on the job...I love your enthusiasm!