Low Country Aquaponics

Aquaponic growers from the South Carolina low country. Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester county residents who have a aquaponic garden or who have a interest in or desire to start a system. Lets network and help expand Aquaponics in the Low Country.
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  • Jason Warren

    Hey Cooper,  I don't have any extra, but if you want to buy new, Skyes the Limit on JI is a good spot.  30 bucks for a 40L bag of PlantIt pebbles. Good luck with your system!

  • Marion Moses

    We are looking to buy  100 catfish & 100 tilapia best price we live in S.C.

  • Croix

    hey, guys, unfortunately, I have to move and I can't bring all of my aquaponics equipment with me so I am selling most of it. I have pictures if you want to see it. my phone number is 8435575673 I need it gone pretty fast so I am selling it for super cheap.