IBC Aquaponics

A place for IBC tote systems to share what they have learned and system designs.

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  • Leo White Bear

    also check out dairy equipment businesses they may have some for sale.

  • Yaacov Levi

    Thanks Leo

    I may have over looked what could be right under my nose. I will start calling around today.

  • Jim Fisk

    Yaacov, we had a hard time finding them around us in 2012 but as we tuned in to industrial parks, etc we soon found them everywhere. I.E. the oil recyclers were great at finding them and often had fresh ones they hadn't used yet and let them go around 45.00 in pristine condition and from various sources like vegi oil, etc. Almost any water based chems would wash right out as well and often much easier than vegi oil. Take a tour of local industrial parks. Soap and the like also wash right out. Avoid any that had petroleum as that can absorb into the plastic. Most start out as food based until non food was shipped in them.