Wicking bed growers

This group is dedicated to those who are interested and growing in wicking beds. Wicking beds in conjunction with aquaponics can enable us to grow just about every crop that cannot be grown in standard aquaponics. Lets discuss deign, operation and whatever aspect of wicking bed growing you can think of.

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  • Elizabeth Cedeno

    I have blue tilapias for sale. It's been a great year and wevhave too many... very healty and beautiful,

    all sizes, very low price.

    Palm Bay, Florida.



    or call  321-216-8684 


    Mr or Mrs Cedeno.

  • Jim Fisk

    Well I have been posting about our new wicking bed over at our IBC group and our page on FB (Smoky Mountain Aquaponics and Homesteading) but neglecting to post in our wicking group here, tisk, tisk. So here are some pics if I can get them in order on here. Our bed is now circulating full time with a short bell siphon at the center that allows the water to just make contact with the compost bed before triggering and feeding at both ends. The first time I left it circing over night it turned the 2500g system water compost tea brown and scared the heck out of me but the trout (the canary in the coal mine) were actually feistier and hungrier than before but I shut down the circ and only turned on the system water enough to make up for evap for a few weeks. Then I turned it on again and left it on for weeks now with no discoloration (it had cleared up) and well everything is looking great and the wicking bed looks amazing and of course is a source of compost tea and worm castings for the rest of the GBs. So a few pics:

  • David Gallentine

    Do any of you need tilapia?
