Mixed Aquaponics Design

Do you combine different media, methods or even culture species in such a way that no rules or system descriptions out there really applies to you? This is the place to share, ask questions, learn and refine.
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  • Paul Letby

    Hey all.  I figured it was time to join since my media GB is nearly ready to plant out.  Now I have a flood and drain media bed and a raft bed that doubles as a sump.  Between the two beds I have a 1:1 ratio now with my FT.

  • Isaiah Muhammad

    Hi guys I just joined the community and am learning to navigate the site.  I would like to know if the 2" raft material foam is a local purchase or is something you have to order over the web?  I only found 3/4" at Lowes here in Houston.  Thanks.
  • Aquaeroponía

    Aquaeroponics columns constructed with PET bottles - low cost - Brazilian creativity