Cold Weather Aquaponics

This group serves the needs of those who grow in the cold parts of the world.  We'll discuss greenhouses, insulation, air sealing, fish selection, heaters, etc...

To heat or not to heat

Last year I spent a ton heating my fish tank and built low tunnels around my beds to keep plant temps up. This year I'm thinking about heating the greenhouse to around 50-60 and by doing so cut down on the fish tank heating cost. I don't think this would cost any more than heating the tank in freezing greenhouse. I've taken additional steps to insulate the greenhouse and fish tank and have plenty of wood and a backup thermostatic propane heater when needed for when the fire goes out. Any thoughts on this concept?

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    Mike R.

    I hope you greenhouse is doing good. Thankfully the weather has not been too bad this winter. Life has been so busy we have not been to Troy as often this winter. I still would like to meet up with you before spring. I am planning to attend a class by Jeremiah in Wis. in March. I hope to start a small system as soon as the weather am wondering about a small system in the basement. I am not sure if the benefits would outweigh the humidity issues and the cost of the grow lights.
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    Jeff S

    The humidity is definitely not a problem. I have 2 40 gallon and 1 100 gallon systems in my basement with no humidity issues. Only lights I use are 4 ft. florescent tubes.  I have T-12s and T-8s. They work fine for greens and seedlings. I'm still learning the growing part. I understand if you want flowering plants you need different lights. As a starter I would definitely do it and take what you learn to your outside system. Basement is a great place to grow your seedlings for you outside system too. BTW 1 2 bulb 4 ft light will burn about with 32 watt bulbs cost about $2.50 a month. I have 2 over each basement GB. What you'll save not heating outside more than covers basement costs.

    If you can get by here I think you'll get all the info you need to start. What I'll show you will prepare you for any "formal " class you take later. If you get your basement system going you'll have lots of questions for the class.

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    Mike R.

    Very interesting! Thanks so much for the info. That makes me feel better about the basement system. What size are yourgrow beds? Are they DWC, or media beds, or ??? Could I impose on you to send me a picture or two of your systems? You can email me at, then perhaps we can trade addresses and phone info to set up a meeting soon? I don't know if I will have time to set up a basement system before the March class. I wife keeps telling me our lives are too busy to start another project lol....she is probably right....but I am really interested in aquaponics!