Cold Weather Aquaponics

This group serves the needs of those who grow in the cold parts of the world.  We'll discuss greenhouses, insulation, air sealing, fish selection, heaters, etc...


Hello all, a little introduction.. My wife and I are brand new to aquaponics, yet like most things, I do everything full steam ahead, and make sure I am armed with all the knowledge I can soak up before I start!  WE live in Arizona, why am I here? It's Northern Arizona and it's cold enough for this group.  We are in the process of insulating a pole barn which will become our "fish house" and we are starting construction on a 30' X 48' twin wall Poly Carbonate greenhouse.  We harvested our first clutch of baby tilapia today and everything seems to be coming together nicely!  Just wanted to say hello, and we will share our experience here with photos etc.. as we continue our process..

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    Brent Dougherty

    Thank You Chris, we have been working very hard.  It is just me, my wife and a good friend of my wife.

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    Jeremiah Robinson

    I love the high ceilings. Do you have any plans to use the height for something?

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    Brent Dougherty

    trees.. we are going to grow banana trees and who knows maybe a papaya or something? Mostly for long runs of tomatoes, cucumbers etc.. Don't want to block out too much of the sun.  I thought about stacking DWC's, but that might block too much sun for the lower beds unless I find a type of lettuce that requires very little sun... would love to double the DWC space.  IF you want to follow along the adventure, I started a "Build Thread" that will be the photographic and explanatory thread for our adventure.

    Brent & Michelle