Tilapia Breeding

A place to exchange information on breeding tilapia.  How to set up tilapia breeding colonies.  How to sex fish for breeding colonies. What foods are best for breeding pairs and fingerlings.

Are Talipia and Koi Compatable?

I have a 300 gal tank and have both Talipia and Koi. Does any one know if there will be good tank-mates?

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    Sheri Schmeckpeper


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    Shivanie Ramnarine

    i brought some koi they were 1 inch long at the time and i put some baby Tilapia fingerlings in the same tank with the koi and they are living quite good together they are now almost 5-7 inches long, will put up some pics with them tommorow 

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    Charles F. Larsen

    I am a newbie to aquaponics.  Two small koi were in the 275 gal IBC (Tote) tank before the 30 tilapia fingerlings were added.  They seem to coexist admirably.  Both are growing larger for the last 6 mos.   The tilapia are more aggressive feeders, will swarm the surface, while the koi stay midtank during the various feeding frenzies over the course of a day.   Hope this helps.