What are the Pros and Cons of having a Greehouse in San Antonio TX?

Right now I have a  greenhouse and Last year i ran into different issues with white flies, spider mites  ,black mold Or Fungus (not sure) and heat in San Antonio Texas ,,, I am thinking this year not to have a greenhouse or just take the tarp off and just leave a top with SOLEXX Panels.

, What are the pros and cons of a Greenhouse?  My biggest concern is the heat temperatures got up to over 100 degrees and i was unable to bring down the temperature because of the design which was a tarp type . with a couple of windows for the ventilation,

thank you, 


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    Rob Nash

    just go with 60% shade cloth all summer long, then replace the plastic in the fall...

    if I could attach a picture I would... but for some reason we cant any more?!?!?!?!!
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    Neely Anderson

    Thanks James.  I pulled the trigger on this:

    (If I don't use it for my aquaponic system, I'll find another use for it...or find someone worth of it and give it away.)

    Rob, you should raise hell (kidding) about not being able to attach a picture...because that would help me tremendously.  Does the shade cloth just cover the tank, or the bed too?  I'd like to see a set up so I can get it in my head.  Cause I'll probably have more questions.

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    Paul Green

    I've had the same tarp for my greenhouse for 5 years now holding up really nicely