Aquaponic Gardening

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I'm a newby and just sent a message to all members instead of posting to this board so sorry everyone. But my question is: I see a lot of different info on what to feed Tilapia but can someone tell what NOT to feed them? Thanks

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I would suggest you initially go with the professional feed companies. I use Aqua Max 600 from Purina and for younger fish (2-3 Inches) I grind it finer.

You can feeding tilapia a big study, or make changes based on experiance.

quality fish food.. for fry, feed high protein (50+%)

for fingerlings high protein (45+/-%)

adults get low protein (35+/-%)

i've "induced" spawning by increasing temp by a couple degrees and switching to high protein diet for a couple weeks for the adults


 Thank you Keith, I appreciate the info, but my question was. "What NOT to feed them. Like leaves from different plants, etc.

Keith Rowan said:

quality fish food.. for fry, feed high protein (50+%)

for fingerlings high protein (45+/-%)

adults get low protein (35+/-%)

i've "induced" spawning by increasing temp by a couple degrees and switching to high protein diet for a couple weeks for the adults


Thank you Robert.

Robert Rowe said:

I would suggest you initially go with the professional feed companies. I use Aqua Max 600 from Purina and for younger fish (2-3 Inches) I grind it finer.

You can feeding tilapia a big study, or make changes based on experiance.

If the plant is considered poisonous, I would not recommend feeding it to your food.

Really tough hard to rip up leaves are probably not really good fish food (oak leaves are probably not good fish food.)

Keep in mind that feeding too much vegetation is likely to cause clogging of your pump with stems and uneaten parts of the plants.

Many people say things like "Tilapia are vegetarians" but they really are NOT.  They are Omnivorous and especially the Young ones have an extreme protein hunger and will eat smaller siblings if there is a lack of high protein feed and they are not separated by size.  Most plant food supplements are just that only feed supplements and if you replace much more than say 50% of their diet with things like duckweed, you will find that production falls.


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