Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hi!  I am in Placerville at about 2200 feet (opposite of you on the hwy 50 side) and I am happy that you all are here! I am in the process of building a greenhouse on my days off and plan to have a small-scale barrel-ponics set up inside.  

I'm trying to do some pre-research, and one (of many) of my problems is finding the best fish which can handle to wide range of temperatures we have (i.e. cold winters and hot summers).  Any thoughts/ideas of what has worked best for you for this and all other stuff would be appreciated.Thanks!



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Hi Mikio,

The best fish I've heard about for our climate (I'm in Nevada City) is blue gill or catfish. There are folks who can give you more detail. Our Sierra Foothills group is just getting set up now, with an interest group of about sixty people. Looking forward to talking with you.


thanks! can't wait to get to the point where i can contribute!


Hi Mikio,

I am in Lake of the Pines @ the 1650' elevation. I just built a 550 gallon system, I started out with Koi and Pond Comets to cycle my system. Koi and Pond Comets are versitile to climate change and work to get your system up and running. When I have my system more established I may look into other fish to eat. At this time I just planted my vegetables.


thank you!  My progress is slow, so any information helps-


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