Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Have you tried growing carrots or other long root vegetables in Aquaponics? 

Whenever I tried to grow them, even in media beds filled with the lighter media such as Hydroton, I would get "crocked carrots" or "crocked diakon / radish -mooli". I could use the leaves of the diakon & radish-mooli but the tops of carrots were pretty much useless other than compost. Peeling such crocked vegetables was a real pain.

We tried setting up wicking beds. Yes they produced better shapes but you know, I wanted re-circulation of the water, after all, I was really interested in expanding what I could grow in my Aquaponics system. So I set off on a search to be able to grow carrots, diakon, radish-mooli and other such root vegetables and also be able to use a soil base and incorporate all this into Aquaponics.

We are always adding different growing methods and researching new and better ways to utilize our Aquaponics knowledge so as to increase the range of what we can grow. I wanted to be able to use some soil in Aquaponics and be able to grow root vegetables while re-circulating the water. In future posts, I will highlight some of our methods and components as to one step we have taken towards this. Here I am sharing a article by my good friend and fellow Aquapon David Hart.


God bless, 


Sahib Aquaponics - what's new - article by David Hart




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