Hi folks,
As you may be aware, some local ordinances tend to hinder development of entrepreneurial aquaponics and other types of urban farming in the City of Sacramento and Sacramento County. Fortunately there is a local group of folks working on getting an Urban Ag Ordinance passed to remedy that situation. Other locations around the state, country, and world have been doing the same and we are drawing on their experience. There's also an effort to pass Urban Ag legislation at the state level.
If you are interested in learning more about these efforts, or better yet, interested in joining in the efforts, please email Sacramentans for Sustainable Community Agriculture (SSCA) at SacUrbanAg@gmail.com.
It's an interesting, fun, diverse, and productive group. About half are active urban farmers of one kind or another. So far I'm the only aquaponics person in there - would love to have more.
SSCA currently meets weekly on Mondays from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm in downtown Sac. Whether or not that works for you, there are ways for you to be involved if you want to be.