Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hi all,

If you are willing and able to volunteer to help plan and set up aquaponics exhibits between now and mid-July for show at the State Fair, which runs July 12-28, you are invited to meet at Cal Expo this Tuesday afternoon, April 30 from 4:30 to 5:30 pm.  RSVP to me by email (joezbro at gmail dot com) or cell/text (916-533-5268) for directions and details.

Background: last year a handful of us set up an exhibit of about 5 AP systems in conjunction with the California Aquaculture Association's annual farm-raised fish exhibit, and about a dozen or so of us were "docents" for the AP exhibit during the course of the Fair.  It was the first AP exhibit ever at the fair, was a great success on many levels, and was a ton of fun. 

Local AP folks started discussing the 2013 Fair at a meeting in Sac on 2/23 (see notes from that meeting here).  It's taken a bit longer that expected to connect with Fair folks since then, but now we're poised to take off.

If you are only interested in being a docent for AP exhibits during the Fair, but not participating in planning and setting up the exhibits between now and the Fair, please do NOT attend Tuesday's meeting. 

Historically The Farm has been a showcase for commercial ag production in the State.  This year they are keeping that focus but also adding a 2nd focus on showcasing what people can do in their own yards or even patios or steps if they don't have a yard.  All of this fits AP very well. 



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Hi Paul, I forwarded to Jennifer and if she can come to the planning meeting, kids will be there too. I have to cut up wood from a tree removal probably the rest of the week a then clear brushh for neww fencing.


just want to put it out their.... their is a company in oakland called BACK TO THE ROOTS next month i think they are releasing a small desk top/ counter top aquaponic fish tank in one. seeing that they were in CA i thought that it would be good to have one of theese tanks to show just how scaleable aquaponcs is.

Thanks Loki.  Very cool and good price.  

Would you have any interest in making contact with them and seeing if they want to provide a unit for the fair?  (Your tip about this product is much appreciated whether or not you are willing to pursue it further, but thought I'd ask!).  If you are, please email me and I can give you more details


joezbro at gmail dot com

report on our meeting:  Aquaponics folks Sean Gallinger, Tim Pinson, Dan Pendergrast, David Lim and I has a very productive meeting with State Fair staff at the California Aquaculture Association’s aquaculture exhibit and the greenhouse at Cal Expo about a week ago.  We clarified which areas are available for aquaponics systems and who is willing to do what.

Tim for sure, with Dan's assistance; and likely Sean, each agrees to be responsible for setting up one or more AP systems.  Dan suggested I coordinate overall effort and delegate as much as possible of the hands-on work.  I agreed to that, acknowledging of course that CAA and the Fair have their say in anything we want to do.

For construction and maintenance from now to Fair time, Fair staff and/or Paul could give us access to the site.  Tim could come down every few days, maybe Sean during daytimes too. 

State Fair staff could help with providing plants...CAA with fish certainly at time of Fair, but before too?

After the meeting, we happily learned that long-time aquaculturist Tony Vaught wants to pitch in on the aquaponics exhibit this year too.

Next step is for those taking responsibility for one or more AP systems that will be part of the exhibit to specify what system they can commit to at this point, and what area of the exhibit it could fit in. After that, we can recruit volunteers to assist them in construction and maintenance as needed.

Helping out during the fair is a separate issue.  We will organize folks for that closer to the time of the fair.  Right now our task is to get started setting up systems.


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