Hi all -
I've been working with a bunch of groups under the umbrella of the Sac Urban Ag Coalition to pass Urban Ag ordinances in both the City and County of Sac. A UAO would revise zoning codes, as has been done in many other jurisdictions around the country, to make it easier for people like us on this forum to make a living raising food in urban areas (including with aquaponics). We're just about to bring out our County proposal, and aspects of that and our City proposal need support, so we're having a farm tour and press conference this Thursday, Oct. 23 in South Oak Park. Details below. If there's any way you can attend, please do.
Thank you.
ps feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
916 533 5268
Coalition of Farmers and Nonprofits Host Showcase of Urban Agriculture in South Sacramento
Urban Farmers Want to Sell Produce Grown in Sacramento
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Oct. 23, 2014) – The Sacramento Urban Agriculture Coalition is
hosting a tour of two urban agriculture operations in South Sacramento’s Oak Park neighborhood
to highlight the stories of farmers and community members. This tour is being organized to
demonstrate the different forms urban agriculture can take; from revenue-generating urban
homesteads to the conversions of long-neglected, vacant lots.
The Coalition has already presented their ideas to elected members of the Sacramento City
Council and the County Board of Supervisors and received support for ordinances that would
increase economic opportunities, improve food security, and make neighborhoods safer by
addressing blighted, vacant lots.
While the concept of urban agriculture has enjoyed general support, several aspects of the
proposal that are integral to realize Sacramento’s potential need our support. Among these
priorities are:
• Allowing for the on-site sale of produce grown by urban farmers.
• Ensuring that economically-viable urban agriculture is allowed both on vacant lots as
well as lots where people live.
• Taking advantage of state laws to incentivize agriculture on vacant lots in urban areas.
• Aligning City and County policies for an equitable, consistent regulatory system.
The tour will begin at an urban homestead in Sacramento County, Yisrael Family Farms. The
Yisrael Family Farms is an urban homestead producing organic vegetables, fruits, and nuts for
both family sustenance and community education.
Members of this coalition will be in attendance including Ubuntu Green, Pesticide Action
Network North America, Sacramentans for Sustainable Community Agriculture, Soil Born
Farms, Alchemist Community Development Corporation, and the Alliance of Californians for
Community Empowerment.
For more information, please visit http://www.ubuntugreen.org/advocacy-urban-agriculture.
Event: Sacramento Urban Agriculture Farm Tour
Who: Urban Farmers, Local Nonprofit Organizations, and Community Members
Date: Thursday, October 23, 2014
1) Yisrael Family Farms, 4505 Roosevelt Ave., Sacramento @ 3:30 p.m.
2) Community-Led Vacant Lot Conversion, 44th St. & 11th Avenue, Sacramento @ 5:30 p.m.
Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment – Amelia Garduno, (916) 572-4495
Sacramentans for Sustainable Community Agriculture – Matt Read, (503) 302-5408
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