Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

There have been several posts elsewhere on the forum about the greenhouses sold by harbor freight, and their pros/cons. I'm not attempting to revive that discussion. I will however, post links to those discussions as soon as I locate them.

I was going to post a coupon I found for $100 off the 10'x12' greenhouse sold by Harbor Freight but then I found a 25% off coupon which works out to be $172.50 off. Even better 

Because of the size of the item, most likely there is no in store pickup. Shipping to 91816 worked out to be $96.94, for a grand total of $614.43. 

Depending on your goals, you might consider this If you're thinking of building a small greenhouse. Within the city of Sacramento, building codes state that any structure over 120 square feet requires a permit. These are EXACTLY 120 square feet, saves you some thought/worry on that front.

Just enter the coupon code (6106505) in your shopping cart to receive the discount.The coupon is also good for any of your other cheaply imported, Harbor Freight desires.

Expires 06/05/14

Views: 589

Replies to This Discussion

Well, I wasn't able to find the threads which discussed the pros and cons of these greenhouses, but if you read through the reviews on the Harbor Freight website, you can get an idea of what you're dealing with.

Hi Fishy,

Have had my eye on these greenhouses for a while.  Janet has one, not sure if she set it up yet.  Local school has one. One thing I noticed was that the twinwall polycarb sheathing is pretty thin, about 1/2 the thickness typically found on other GH's.  One way they keep the costs down.  Still, perhaps adequate for Sacto.

The other thing is that I think Harbor Freight includes a similar coupon every week in their Sunday ad section in the Bee. But not sure if that's always for the full 25%, maybe it's usually 10% or something, haven't been watching lately.

Lastly, looks like we might not be limited to 120 sf after all:  here's a recent inquiry to the City on the subject, and the City's reply:

From: Paul Trudeau [
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 3:40 PM
To: 311 Call Center
Subject: building department: accessory structure size?



Can you tell me the maximum size an accessory structure such as a shed or greenhouse can be on a residential parcel without needing a building permit?  I seem to recall that before the 2013 planning code revision, the cutoff was 120 square feet.  But now I cannot find reference to any such cutoff in city code.  

Thanks very much.

Paul Trudeau

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 10:20 AM, EZPermit a href="" target="_blank">> wrote:

A Greenhouse does not require a permit. No matter how large it is. If there is any electrical installed in the greenhouse then a permit would be required for that only.

An Accessory Structure over 120 sqft would require a permit.


EZ Permit


When I bought my greenhouse from them I used the coupon for a huge savings. I bought it here at the Auburn blvd store.  The box is huge and takes a couple of guys to move it. Save the shipping and buy it here.


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