Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hi All,

In the Aquaponic Gardening book, Silvia mentioned that bacteria will die off at below 32F and above 120F. I am not worried about 120F here in Sacramento. How do you deal with below 32F? Do you cover your system? Do you move them indoor?

I am looking to build and cycle my first system. I don't want to start the process and see it killed by with cold temperature. Any suggestions?



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All my systems here in Sac have been enclosed in winter in very minimal greenhouse (sometimes only a single layer of poly film) and not been a problem.  Growth of everything slows down but system doesn't crash and comes back as weather warms.


The average temp in 24 hours in the winter here in Sacramento is rarely below 40 and as long as your tank is insulated or below ground it will sit at the average temp of the ambient air. For those really cold night just covering it can hold the temp. I would not worry about the nitrifying bacteria dieing in the winter here in Sacramento.



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