Aquaponic Gardening

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This has probably been discussed somewhere else but here goes.


How do I calculate harvest rates from rafts per week?   For example, let's say I have 1000 sites, for larger, maturing plants.  Do I divide that by 4 (4 weeks in a month) and figure on harvesting 250 plants per week or is there more to this equation that I don't see?

Assume I have another place in the system to start seedlings on a tighter spacing.  Let's also consider, all things being equal such as temperatures, nutrient variables etc... 


This should be simple... but I have been cooped up with 5 little boys all day.


Thank you,



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Divide total number of sites by the number of weeks plants are in the system. Your example works great if your plants are in your system for 4 weeks.

Ah yes... so if I have a slower growing product, that number could be divided by 6 and the reverse could be true.

I guess another way to think about this is, if I put a lettuce seed into the nursery trays, leave it in for 2 weeks and then move it to the growout tray for 3 weeks, I could divide that number by 3 instead of 4 or whatever the example.

Steve, thanks for clearing my head.  

No problem. I have had those days myself

Depends on how many weeks your seed takes from seed to maturity OR how many weeks from transplant. Always find out which it is. So Bok Choy takes 45 days from seed to maturity for Baby Harvest......2.5 weeks in seed trays is plenty (in our propagation house it comes up in 3 days) then after 2.5 weeks into your raft and if conditions are correct ..should harvest wk 6-7 total. This example is days / weeks are for Bok Choy outdoor field late Spring SoCalifornia..there are no guidelines for AP...I have heard half the time ???????.Now after a crop or two you will have exact days to harvest. Sow weekly plug trays....transplant to rafts after 2.5 wks and harvest week 6-7 and week 7 transplant another set of rafts. SEVEN WEEK CYCLE on paper. i.e. Basil is supposed to be 4 week cycle from seed to harvest per a good friend growing Hydroponically...thats a good turn  (13 per year) for any crop !!!!  So I guess divide the number of rafts by 7 for Bok Choy...4 for Basil....Lettuce..???? Tomatoes....12 month crop.  All veggies are different....Geez i'm tired just reading this again..HOPE it makes sense.

Thanks Zalinda.. it's making sense.  Time to get some paper out and start scribbling again.  

2J....What variety of veggie are you pondering and how many days does the package or catalogue say "days to harvest"....Days from seed  OR days from transplant?  Catalogues like Johnny's can be confusing at times.  Commercial seed guys are from seed..I will give you a simple outline...once U see it you will go Uh is simple....that is if U wish.

And how many rafts do U have total in troughs?

Well this is all in theory, building my system now, regarding the varieties.   We already have some orders, if we could produce it, for 60 lbs a week of basil but we plan on lettuces, herbs, basil, chard, kale and we may try some edible flowers, watercress, peppercress etc.


The system has approx. 1400 sq. ft. of rafts and 288 sq. ft. of gravel beds.  The herbs and some edible flowers will be grown in some sort of tower.


The seed catalogs can be confusing, I am perusing Johnny's charts as I type this.  Of course it's all for soil gardens.  I would love a chart.


Are you a soil gardener as well?   Thanks 2J

We have 260,000 sq ft of greenhouse. The ecoonmy / home depot / big guys are forcing us to grow veggies after 30 years of blooming plants. I have looked at Hydroponics for years and should have switched years ago. SO now people need to eat and this will be very satisfying to do...Today we have Poinsttias in the Grh....I love growing BUT the Big Box stores can take the fun out of growing...Long Story.  My son has built  2 bays of 5000G fish tank and troughs. We are waiting for very nice rafts to be delivered in 10 days...500 . After tilapia arrive we will begin seeding Bok Choy as 1 mile from us needs 80 cs a week...have to build more AP just for them.. Waiting and trying for NRCS and USDA to find a program for us...they can give 50% of expenses back in Grants...then there is ADDED Value GRANTS and so on. There is a ton of Gov. $$$$ out there BUT getting it isn't easy unless U have an IN or a perfect crazy project. I am having a Congressman's assisstant come out in 2 weeks to look see...i hope to WOW him and get funding....LONG STORY eh?...I'll stop there....wegrew tomatoes as a home project and sold Heirlooms for $3.00 whl...Putting in 4 bays next month...thats another story. I was raised in Canada with Cows for Milk / Cream / Butter/ Chickens and a BIG" Garden i got to hoe etc...Looking back we were RICH then. I do NOT know where to send this

U can read this to your 5 boys when U wish them to go to sleep. Thanks

Two Jay said:

Well this is all in theory, building my system now, regarding the varieties.   We already have some orders, if we could produce it, for 60 lbs a week of basil but we plan on lettuces, herbs, basil, chard, kale and we may try some edible flowers, watercress, peppercress etc.


The system has approx. 1400 sq. ft. of rafts and 288 sq. ft. of gravel beds.  The herbs and some edible flowers will be grown in some sort of tower.


The seed catalogs can be confusing, I am perusing Johnny's charts as I type this.  Of course it's all for soil gardens.  I would love a chart.


Are you a soil gardener as well?   Thanks 2J

Are you kidding, this is great stuff.  BTW, that's a huge GH!  Oh man, more questions... what type of rafts are you putting in? How many sq. ft. of raft space will you end up with?  Did you get any training for this or winging it like many of us?  We have someone interested in tackling the whole grant thing for us, are there many strings attached once you receive them?  I have a wild crazy idea for another project... long story.

Nice website by the way...

That's a lot of bok choy!

Here is a quote from one of our buyers, a chef/owner: "For sure the Asian greens, arugula, spinach, tomatoes in the greenhouse, cucumbers, or any baby veg.  Prices for the greens are between $5/lb and 6.5/lb.  Depending on what item.  Some even 7.  Tomatoes of the heirloom variety in off season go for 3-4 per pound.  Cukes around two, basil is eight, braising greens are about 1.50/lb.  Hope these help." 


Hopefully we can make a living... thoughts?

Very nice and informative discussion so far. Thanks for the wonderful information friends :-)


God bless 


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