Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


Koi Growers

Aquaponists who are growing their plants with Koi

Members: 77
Latest Activity: Oct 26, 2018

Discussion Forum

A fish looks pregnant

Started by Christopher Brickey. Last reply by Christopher Brickey Jun 3, 2013. 2 Replies

Yes I know that koi do not get pregnant, but it sure looks it. Does that mean she is full of eggs? What should I do? Continue

Slightly Acid Tanks

Started by Phil Slaton Nov 30, 2012. 0 Replies

I have a couple Koi tanks that are running higher acid readings.  Their Ph readings are about 6.8.  I do not recall the mix ratio for adding baking soda to gallons of water in order to move the Ph…Continue

Opinions on Salt

Started by Phil Slaton Sep 20, 2012. 0 Replies

I have been seeing more and published on the benefits of adding salt to grow tanks. I raise Koi, Trout and Catfish. What is the opinion out there in our Aquaculture world, should salt be added to the…Continue

Israeli Carp

Started by Steve Austin Feb 29, 2012. 0 Replies

Does any one know where I can buy Israeli Carp Fingerlings in the US?Continue

Tags: Israeli, Carp

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Comment by Jeff Givan on March 7, 2010 at 9:07am
Well I understand Emma. Although I think I could eat Tilapia if I had a large amount of them in the pond. Plus they are not that attractive. Could also eat my own catfish if I had enough of them! Although if it was just one, I doubt it. Many years ago I had a 55 gal aquarium. I had a bass and small channel catfish in it that I had caught in a local pond. I had the catfish trained to eat worms out of my hand and he loved to have its bell scratched. It would swim up to the surface and roll over for me to rub it. Couldn't eat that one. Had to tear the tank down to moving so I released them both back into the pond. Besides the bass was eating me out of house and home!
Comment by Emma Lysyk on March 7, 2010 at 12:57am
Jeff, Even though they're considered a delicacy in Japan, doesn't mean I could bring myself to eat them ;) I'm one of those people who get very attached to the animals I provide for, so I'll need to get chickens for their eggs to get my animal proteins should I decide to go completely self sustaining.
Comment by Jeff Givan on March 6, 2010 at 10:47pm
Well Emma I just guess I am a fish snob. I can eat Tilapia, I can eat catfish (which some people can't thinking they are bottom feeders), but I just can't bring myself to eat Koi! Or Carp? Besides Tilapia and Catish are not pretty in my book, but others may disagree. Has anyone ever tasted Koi? I wouldn't mind making a dime or two of selling fish to friends to eat, but I have a hard enough time to get a couple of them to eat catfish, I can't imagine trying to have them eat a koi taco! But, large Koi can go for big bucks, hmmmmmmmmm but in this economy???????
Comment by Emma Lysyk on March 6, 2010 at 1:32pm
Technically koi are carp, and can be eaten.. Depending on what chemicals you have put in the tank with them :)
Comment by Jeff Givan on March 6, 2010 at 9:53am
We have maybe 8-10 Koi along with some assorted other goldfish. We now have to make the decision to stick with these wonderful and beautiful fish or go for something to put in the frying pan. Or a mix of both! The Koi are visually appealing to say the least and very easy to raise. We just need to drastically increase the amount of fish in our system to match our plant production capacity! The pond is 4000 gallons so we have lots of room to expand both fish population and plant population!

Members (77)


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