Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hi Everyone! We're Expanding! We are pleased to announce that we have just received the necessary permits to build a new greenhouse. This 1200 square foot, state-of-the-art building will utilize some of our latest technology to enhance the building’s energy conservation, as well as monitor and control an aquaponics growing system. The greenhouse will be used for our research and development, and it will become the focal point of the farm as a visitor center. Construction is scheduled to start this spring and we are eagerly waiting for the ground to thaw.

This video is the first part of a series I'll produce over the next year or so. I hope you enjoy the adventure!


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Here's a few things that I do for general maintenance in the aquaponic system. There really is little work that I have to do on it!


Here's a short video of my monster cucumber plant. It will be interesting to see how much more it grows before winter sets in. I"m hoping to keep the greenhouse warm enough to keep it going!


I finally finished up the solar setup for the geodesic dome. It's amazing how you have to watch every watt you're consuming when you're not connected to the power company!

A quick teaser video showing the rocket mass heater burning pellets. My thumb was slightly burned in the making of this video....No pain, no gain! 

After a few prototypes, a few burns, and singeing the hair off of my hands, here's my solution to burning pellets in a rocket mass heater.  Burns hot and super clean.

When I originally designed the aquaponic system, I knew that there was going to be a couple of spots that could potentially become a problem.  Now that the system is running, I've decided to add a few redundant components...just in case....

It’s a bit longer run than I expected, but here are the details on how I added some major enhancements to the Rocket Mass Heater! The fish are much happier now!

Here's a nice article written about our operation in a paper that promotes local businesses. I had forgotten I had done the interview...look how tiny that banana tree was! Article starts on page 12. Sorry the PDF is a bit large (12MB).

Very cool!

Rob Torcellini said:

Here's a nice article written about our operation in a paper that promotes local businesses. I had forgotten I had done the interview...look how tiny that banana tree was! Article starts on page 12. Sorry the PDF is a bit large (12MB).


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