Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I haven't been on for awhile as my MonSter had been acting up horribly. I have a kiddie pool in the back yard (in a rental) that has some gold fish in it. I originally got it to put some water lilly in. Now that got out of hand quickly! I now have lilly, both purple and yellow water iris, and cattails. My question is this... if I were to add more goldfish do you think that it would support a floating raft with some veg in it? I can see that this is going to take over my life as it seems to sooth me... but I am trying to maintain control of my urges.

I do hope to add a small indoor unit in the basement for the winter also. 

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Update... added about 20 more gold fish of questionable origin ... okay... yeah they were feeders.

Not one died so it seems the system is good. 

Added pool number 2 yesterday and started the cycle with some of the water from pool number 1. I had hoped to add a barley straw bag today but think it might have to wait because it is dangerously hot out for me.

Picked up some five inch mesh baskets at the local hydroponics store and I am now on the hunt for some extruded polystyrene that I might pick up on the cheap. 

Yeah the more plants in your pond the better. Not to sure how on the floating raft with some veg idea, since some plants aren't designed to be in water all the time, but it might would work if you set it up right. I kind of like the idea of a flooded media bed on a timer idea. Hope you have great success with your pond!


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