Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Looking for Aquaponics Systems in the Denver/Boulder area for the upcoming Conference

Hi Colorado Aquapons, 

 I am helping organize this year's Aquaponics Association Conference which will be held in Denver the weekend of September 21st. As with the last conference, we are intending to feature some aquaponics systems in the area for conference attendees to tour on Friday the 21st. We expect to have over 350 attendees this year and are arranging for buses to take people to different sites. If you are interested in showing off your system please respond with the following information below. The conference committee will review all of the information and logistics and inform you of whether or not we can include your system on the tour. 

Also, it will likely be the case that up to 30 people at a time would be touring your system and arriving on a bus. To that end, please think about whether or not that is something you can reasonably accommodate. For example, if you have a 50 gallon aquarium system in your apartment, it's probably not going to be worthwhile for the tour to stop there. No offense, but we have to draw the line somewhere. We are looking for exciting new systems, innovations, farm operations, community and commercial systems etc... If you are doing creative things with renewable energy that would be great, too. We would like to show off the diversity and creativity of aquaponics systems in our state as much as possible. We are also trying to keep the traveling distance within the Denver/Boulder area so I apologize for those of you further away, but we won't be able to travel beyond 45 minutes or so from downtown Denver. 

If you are interested in participating, please respond with...

- Photo(s) of your system

- Basic description of your system and environment (ie. greenhouse, outdoors, basement etc...)

- How long your system has been running

- City (I don't need a specific address right now, just general location)

- Future system plans that might be completed in time for the conference

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