Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

A couple of AP articles I wrote - Intro for Vegetarians and an Appropriate Technology 3rd World AP model

Here are links to a couple of Google docs I recently published:

An Introduction to Aquaponics for Vegetarians and An Appropriate Technology 3rd World Aquaponics Model. The documents are Creative Commons licensed and comments are of course welcomed :)

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Tom, could I suggest you actually build an aquaponics system... and run it for a while... and enjoy the satissfaction of feeding yourself and family with quality, nutritious vegetables and some fish,,,


Before creating blogs, and articles... that contain links to a myriad of disassociated ideas... some of them totally unrelated to aquaponics, more akin to hydroponics, systems that aren't even as yet designed or proven.... or information that is just downright wrong... and dangerous...


I'm all for people folowing their passion.... but I'm really getting dismayed as to the number of people that seem to be jumping on the "aquaponics bandwagon"... and presenting themselves as having some knowledge or authority about aquaponics... that doesn't usually amount to more than some "goggling"....


And usually seems to be motivated more by some sense of egotistical desire for"recognition" or self promotion.... and/or cross-linked self promotion and claims to validity that they try to represent...


There are links, and information in both your documents that are just downright wrong... and potentially dangerous to the "aquaponics" movement....


And it's obvious... to me anyway,.... that you just don't know what you're talking about...


Sadly, even some of the people who you link to, and who should know better.. are presenting a false impression, and/or claims to "aquaponics"....


Like the "friendlies" link that suggests that for $2500... someone should be able to design a system... that can feed a third world village of 200 people... it's just bullshit...

Sorry Rupert, I haven't eaten fish in over 20 years... no family to feed, so that's really not my priority.

I wrote one of these documents at the request of someone who has had both Sylvia and James Godsil on her internet radio show - giving a global audience of over 1 million people a chance to hear about them and their work. The other one, well you may think the Friendlys are BSing (and who knows, you may be right). But, I didn't put a price tag on what I thought my system might cost to build. Don't worry, I have no plans to write more of these docs. The docs are both Creative Commons works, which means anyone - even you - is free to improve upon them. Go for it big guy!


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