Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I have only been doing AP for a little over a year now. My system was great for the better part of that year. I'll admit, I neglected it. I had several set backs, my diy heater blew up, gopher tunneled under my FT, Tilapia froze and died. Since all this I decided that since i have to start over i may as well re-design it the way i want. I added a swirl filter, relocated my media bed and cleaned up the plumbing. after it's all said and done 3 months later I still am getting zero success in cycling my system. I tried just adding ammonia, goldfish, both combined so on and so on. for the longest time i was too prideful to ask for help. please if you guys can direct me in any way or maybe share your similar issues, it would be greatly appreciated 

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