Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Tomatoes are a favourite plant that many Aquapons love to grow. Let's use this discussion as to what you like to grow, how you grow them, what works for you as regards fertilisation and getting exponential growth.

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Here is a video that Sylvia Bernstein made as regards Tomato care. Posted on March 7th 2010


"Shows how to wrangle those gangly indeterminate tomato plants. Focus on pruning, staking (stringing up) and pollinating in a greenhouse, but could also apply anywhere. Shot in our Colorado aquaponic greenhouse"


This video was very helpful to me. Thank you Sylvia :-)

Hello, I was wondering if people grew their tomatoes in flood and drain media beds w/a constant flood or timer cycles. When growing tomatoes in soil we tend to stop watering them heavily as soon as fruit is produced. This seems not to be the case in AP systems. Any advice would be helpful to this newbie...Thanks! :D

Namaste David :-)

I grow them in various AQ systems and have found that there is really no differences provided there is adequate oxygenated water. i have some photos posted of one of my tomato plants in a timers cycle grow bed (via index valve)

Bolseno Tomatoes


Some grown in recirculating wicking beds:

Tomato - Roma


I also have a few growing in my DWC bed but do not have any photos to share at present (:


Good luck! Let us know what you experience :-)


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