Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Building a Barrelponics system.  I come and go a lot with work so progress has been slow but steady.  Tonight we finished up the flush tank, which was the last major item before we put all the pieces together into a working system.

Yeah its not 20,000 gallon mega system but it is a starting point for us to learn from and if things go way wrong (Mr Murphy and i are very familiar with each other) we don;t lose that much.  Besides the greenhouse pad is 10x10 so we don;t have room for a much larger system (yet).

We're excited anyhow!  Next step is move the components to the pad, build the rocket heater, then finish the greenhouse around it.

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Way to go Dave-

  I started out with the barrel-ponics system and it has worked out for me very well, now three years later I have just completed my 14-unit IBC system and the building should be up and running by the end of August.  Enjoy your system, everyone has to start somewhere.



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