Aquaponic Gardening

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i have just started a aquaponics system for a class project.

with keeping it small and cheap, i had a extra 10 gallon tank laying around. extra pvc pipe, and i got a bucket from the dollar store and a water pump from the local hyroponics store.

it's been running for over a month now and i have 8 feeder goldfish left (4 have died recently) and veggies starting to grow in the bucket!!  :)i have a dual air pump that 1 is in the tank and 1 in the bucket. im useing RO water so i dont have to add any chemicals to dechlorinate or change the PH.

any helpful tips for the newbe??!!!!!!

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Yes you can fill up the bucket so the top of the gravel stays dry (probably about an inch above the water) so you will need something to keep the gravel back from the top of the drain pipe.


You can simply plant seeds and seedlings right into the gravel or transfer the rockwool seedlings out of the baskets into the gravel.  Rock wool does wick moisture up but if you place it so just the very bottom of the cube touches the water it may still be fine for most plants.


Once the system settles in and you no longer see ammonia or nitrite, you can set the auto feeder back up but make sure you set it to a fairly minimal feed rate so the fish are not being over fed when you are not around to keep an eye on things.  Fish are usually better off being a little hungry as opposed to over feeding.


I've never seen seeds for duckweed.  Most people just get some from a pond or from a place that sells pond plants.  Keep in mind that you need to feed the system somehow if you expect to grow veggies with it.  If you have fish and grow duckweed to feed the fish growing in that system you probably won't have much nutrients left over for your veggies.  And it actually takes a fair amount of space to grow duckweed.  Maybe get a mortar tub to place under the bench next to the fish tank and put the air stone from the bucket into the mortar tub and then a hand full of duckweed and a little bit of fertilizer and then when you have a thick layer of duckweed on the surface you can feed a hand full of it to your fish on the days you are there.  It won't replace the fish feed but it will be a nice supplement and if you put a nice amount of it into the fish tank, it will also supplement feeding them the days you are not there since they will probably take a few days to eat it all.  At least with fresh duckweed you don't need to worry about it fouling the water if they don't eat it right away.


jamie niemeyer said:

i like the gravel idea!!!!!!!

mind you its old fish tank gravel (thats been rinsed very well!! ) fill up the bucket, and do i still use the baskets??? do i just drop seeds in?? or germinate them on the side?? do i make sure the top layer of the gravel stays dry??

the rockwool dose stay very wet........ thats a bit of a concern.....

very good thought on the pumps!!!! ill move it tomorrow!!

because this is a school project and its at there greenhouse, im only there a few days a week........... i try to visit it 3-4 times a week but will be atleast 2 times a week..... thats why i went with a autofeeder......

it is a bummer cause i cant watch and maintain it at all times...........


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