Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

So i am getting ready to set up my first system i am going to go with a chift phist system i am going to use a 30 gal aqaurium, a 54 gall rubber maid for the grow bed, and the same container for the sump. here are my questions. This will also be an indoor system housed of some sturdy shelfs in my apartment.

1. Will those size containers work or should my grown bed volume be smaller than my sump so it dose not flood.

2. what size pump would you recomend for a system this size i was going to get a 400gph pump is this big enough

3. What size pvc should i use i was going to go with 3/4" is that good or whould i go bigger or smaller

4. Any other thoughts or concerns that you might see with my system.

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Sigh, I just typed a huge long explanation.  And it vanished.

#1, size containers are fine, the grow bed media will take up about 60% of the volume.

#2, that pump size will be more than enough.  You need to pump at least the volume of your fish tank at the head height you need per hour.

#3, You need to think about not only the plumbing from the pump but also the gravity drain plumbing.  If your pump has 1/2" plumbing you then need to make sure your gravity drain plumbing is at least 1".  If you use 3/4" plumbing from the pump to the fish tank, then hopefully your fish tank has a 1 1/2" drain.  These are not solid rules but they are kinda a starting point.

Here is a link to my plumbing class ppt.  It shows some things like bypass to be able to adjust the amount of flow without hurting the pump.


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