I just stepped off the sidelines to get started. I ordered a bunch of barrels and an IBC tote.
Now, I need to get my plumbing fixtures in line. I have seen comments about smaller diameter piping clogging. I think it was Vlad who caught my attention with a comment how it would clog "faster than an artery on curly fries"
I know I am not the only one here on a budget. So what is the optimal size of pipe to use considering the economics?
I was originally considering 1/2 inch feed lines (the dirty side) and 3/4 or 1 inch drain lines for the drains. The drains were based on Affnan's syphon designs..
So here is an example of what happens around here on what is supposed to be a clear day. This crap will completely block the sun in another few hours. Keep in mind this is only a tiny portion of what I am seeing. No way to give the entire picture justice with a camera. For more on this topic: http://rense.com/general92/chmm.htm
This is why I have my AP under a GH. These are not CONTRAILS: If anyone is interested in learning more I will start a new topic. This is definitely AP related unfortunately. None of this is natural clouds.
Jim Fisk said:
Good sign. Very few chems are odorless in my experience. Great price for clean and delivered.
Yea, I'd like to see some sun myself. At the risk of starting more trouble, have you been following the chem trail debate? Every time we get a clear day here they start in and cloud us over in spades. I've taken a hundred pics of them by now. Most recent scuttlebutt I read is that the ionosphere has the lowest charge in history due to unprecedented low sun spot activity (which is what keeps it charged) and the boron and aluminum spray are an effort to make that up. God knows, were that true, the last thing they would do is tell people we all might fry. Forget the bills!! Party time!!!
Throw those questions at us.
Never seen anything like that around here... yet.
Believe me when I tell you that you just haven't been looking up. Now you will see them nearly daily. This has been going on for years. Watch for them in 5+ year old movies. We just never noticed them or took them for granted. Please Google them. They are doing it more all the time and we think they are getting ready for some intense radiation or something. It is happening world wide. Today was amazing everywhere we went. Two strange rainbow clouds, one on each side of the sun, were above us all day. Now that I have never seen before.
Take pictures and zoom in and you will see even more strange things in the picture. The more you learn the weirder it gets. By Noon we were comletely covered over with them as I predicted above. We NEVER get a clear day anymore.
Here's another look more Westerly:
Nearly all the clouds we see now are man made. Once you learn the various stages you will draw the same conclusion.
Here is the sky when we went to town about 2 hrs later:
And when we got home looking past the AP GH:
How's that for a promise of a clear day?
Got to go.The State Trooper Helo is buzzing my GH again. Wish they would just land so I could give them a tour. We know what they are thinking and they may just raid the place and probably shoot my dogs. Been in the news a whole lot lately:-( Not sure how I would handle that.
And just so you know we are not alone check out the CT protest planned in New Zealand and Australia for the 20th of this month: http://chemtrailsplanet.net/2013/01/04/huge-chemtrail-protest-jan-2...
Personally, I have got to the point that I no longer believe our government on a number of issues.Not that long ago I held a Top Secret security clearance I was in the Army and only myself as the battalion security officer and the battalion commander held that clearance.They believed in me, but now I do NOT believe in them.
Our government lies to us. the media either lies outright or just follows what they are told. fair and balanced, my ass..!!!
Yet another confirmation. Thank you Pat.
Most are so naive in this country. Just look at who's steering the ship. Fox is by far the best and they too are bought by the likes of Monsanto. Most media lies are lies of omission. Strange feeling to be in town watching this incredible aerial display taking place (pictures can't do it justice) and being surrounded by hundreds, maybe thousands, of people not even looking up. Very Syfy indeed. 2 1/2 years ago I was one of them. Unfortunately there is no turning back. The more you doubt, the more there is to doubt. I grew up knowing the press were a bunch of opportunistic liars starting with the cream of the crop The NY Times. They proved it in 1938 when my Mother's stamp design was chosen by FDR himself out of 600 contest entries. That's a story for another day. But suffice it to say NEVER trust the press or the government.
If this is all about the Sun's radiation I wish they could just tell us but unfortunately they are right. The mass hysteria would be uncontrollable. I must admit that we would probably be building a bunker 20 ft. underground about now could we afford it based upon what we suspect. Perhaps the tens of thousands of 4 body coffins that Jesse Ventura revealed on TV start to make sense. IDK
Well, on a lighter note we had great tasting AP broccoli for dinner tonight and more tomatoes are about to be ready
Pat James said:
Personally, I have got to the point that I no longer believe our government on a number of issues.Not that long ago I held a Top Secret security clearance I was in the Army and only myself as the battalion security officer and the battalion commander held that clearance.They believed in me, but now I do NOT believe in them.
Our government lies to us. the media either lies outright or just follows what they are told. fair and balanced, my ass..!!!
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