So I had initially planned on setting my IBC system up on the back deck but got concerned with the weight ( i have a large deck, but I rent), I set it up just behind the deck, so i could plug it in, but am now having problems with my boys wanting to climb onto it (because it is level with deck now), and it is crowded where I set it up. I was dumb and put it next to a hydrangea, which will be impossible to get past on one side once it blooms. I want to move it to and area at the back of my yard, the owners had a gazebo brick patio there and the frame would be perfect to set up a green house (I think I would just need to wrap it). My concern is running an extension cord about 50' across the yard to power my pump, and also how difficult is it to move it? Do I try and preserve my water (it just cycled, i think)? Or ought I have enough time to start over and plant this spring? I do not have fish, and have been growing winter greens, with not much action because my 3 yr old "helped."
I have thought about solar pumping, but on a bit of a budget until i can prove to the husband that this is worth the upfront effort.
Any ideas? I have yet to find someone near me to help with all this and am kind of trial and erring it myself.
I think I am a little late for an answer. You got the best ones already. Lawn , as a gardener, will die beneath the system if it is directly over it. But don't worry because it can be fix if needed for. When you need to fix the dry or dead area just let me know to give you some tips. I actually take car of a golf course and it is common to see damage on the lawn/grass. We take the bad area out an replant with new one.Good luck with your system.
As for speed and bacteria.
Anything you can keep moist yet aerated should last several days no problem.
I would warn that if you go putting your media into buckets and barrels with system water, the submerged regions of that will likely change to more anaerobic conditions so I would be more likely to keep it somewhat separate. And it will be far easier to move media in smaller buckets without much water mixed in it.
One time when I can to replace several grow beds (back when my lumber/liner beds got chewed by termites) I actually made a pile of the media from the old beds and kept the pile moist with well water. Covering the pile with some wet fabric and tarps could also help keep it moist if you can't get the beds moved and re-filled all in one day.
Don't kill yourself trying to get it all done in a day. But if it is something where you only get to work on it for a day and can't get back to it for a week, then you want to set up some way to keep your media intermittently irrigated to keep your bacteria alive (Wet burlap and non-chlorinated water will work.) Any water you store for more than a day, try to keep it aerated as best you can too.
save several 5 gallons buckets, as many as you can to start the new water. this will help cultivate the new water. I agree putting the tank where it works best is the best plan. You won't want to move it once everything is up an going.
It is moved! AS soon as I started the project of moving we had 2 weeks of rain…I was able to save about 30% of the water, which I was okay with since it is 250 gal tank and I don't need it full right away for fish. So, I add water to bring it up to about 100-150 gal, and the ph is perfect. I go out there the next morning to sew some seeds, and the water is ALL gone (aside form what was in GB and one more bin that I had yet to empty. It was draining down the outside of the tank!
I was a mess. But I fixed my problem and have about 75 gallons plus the GB, and PH is around 7-7.2 (not too bad)!
Thank you everyone for your help.
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