Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I have a small system that sits indoors. It is a flood and drain with about 30 gallons in it (it can probably hold an additional 10 gal) and about 12 sq ft of grow bed. 

I'm looking to add some fish into my system. I currently have 6 goldfish. Their waste doesn't seem to be able to keep up with what the system needs. Can anyone recommend a place to get some additional fish? I would like to be able to get some Blue Tilapia. It's my understanding that Tampa is in a region where I wouldn't require a license to own Blue Tilapia (see

Also, please advise if I should get some fish other than Tilapia and explain why. I'm still kind of new to this and have been trying to get my system to run for about 6 months now. 


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I know that Green Acres Aquaponics is based in Brooksville. I'm not sure whether they sell fingerlings though.

I bought mine from tilapia depot in St. Augustine. I am not happy with his customer service.

I ended up going with I thought this guy(Alex) was really great. He invited me over to his place and showed me his system in his backyard. He sells fingerlings for $1.85 each which I thought was a good deal. 

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